Bison, our 9 1/2 month old BMD, has an odd habit when
chasing his tail. Unlike most dogs, he catches his
tail first, then holds it and circles.

Pretty cute, yes. 

But tonight, he added a new dimension to this game.

He stood between my wife's legs, caught his tail, and
proceeding to circle repeatedly with tail still
clamped on to. At no time did he release the tail, nor
was the space under my wife's legs voided. If we could
train THAT as a trick, I think he'd be beyond the
Letterman scope of stupid dog tricks.

He kept it up for at least a minute and at least 10
complete circles. 

After my wife lost her balance, he continued the chase
until completely dizzy. (The dog, not my wife...)

Panda, Pockets, and a rather dizzy puppy Bison

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