
I've long wanted to see some changes to the membership process, I would
think people might be willing to pay some sort of additional fee to have
the Alpenhorn delivered immediately while the membership process is
ongoing? Would that be reasonable?

One of the reasons that the process takes so long is that first the
letters of the sponsors have to be received, and some are better than
others about getting those in quickly. Life does get in the way
sometimes! Then, the applicants name has to be published. It looked as
though that time was going to be cut in half by publishing the names in
both the Alpenhorn and the off month Bulletins, but then they stopped
publishing them in the Alpenhorn, so the time span actually has
increased now between times that people have their name published. 

So it's not all the fault of the poor volunteer who does the membership
processing - honest! Jenny Durrance has done a job that most of us would
go crazy with, and she has just resigned that position. Jenny - thank
you!! Enjoying the puppies?

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

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