Posted for Pam:

>From our deck we will have a perfect view of the fireworks display for
our town's Centennial celebration on the Fourth of July.  Hence, we have
invited two families to share our bounty.

I was planning my holiday menu and debating between chicken and
spareribs. OPPS!!!!  Two [guest] kids, who would love to sneak a bite to
the "starving" puppies, an adult's focus on fireworks instead of keeping
the plate to one's self or even just plain thievery from two sneaky
gluttonous dogs could spell disaster.

 They will enjoy the stolen and fumbled potato and other salads, the
mango salsa and chips and the watermelon, as it is, but we'd better
stick to burgers instead of bony stuff... sorry, gourmets among our
guests, our dogs are more important than a fancy menu.

And, in case anyone else is planning picnics on the deck, I thought the
reminder timely so that stolen bones don't spoil the day for someone and
their berner babies.  All us listers are practiced at guarding the
counters and table tops and our dogs [sometimes] obey our requests to
"down" while WE eat, but the guests, especially children, are "free
game" for theft.... <g>
and get out those cameras!

Pamela and Dick with Allegra ("if what you want lies buried, dig until
you find it")
 and Monty ("No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the
guilt thing and right back and make friends")

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