Sorry, I am reposting this item in plaintext.  I've had a few people
point out that most likely Benny didn't know what he did - or
even that he was the one who did something, but only that he
didn't like me yelling and grumbling.  Thanks for that insight - I
can see in retrospect that he was having the same reaction he's
always had to any arguement or loud noises in our house - which
is usually a reminder to us to chill out or calm down.  I guess it was
just wishful thinking to think that he could read my mind.

Also, some suggestions were made re keeping him occupied.  He
does have lots of toys, kongs, and balls that he plays with often.

He was fine today - so maybe this is just one of those bad days he
had.  (Of course today - he was barely only for any time since I went
in very late and with school getting out early for more snow!)

Jill Kramer - and Benny (who was quicklky back in my good favor - I can't be
made at that face for very long at all)
Baltimore, MD

----- Original Message -----
From: Jill
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: Histio Roll Call and eating plants

Wow, Jean!  You should have included a "kleenex warning" with your posting
this site.  What a beautiful site and what beautiful dogs and tributes!  I
moved to tears and I'm sure others will be too.

On another topic, if I HAD a dog house, Benny would be in it tonight.
I came home from work to find that Benny had eaten a small plant on the
windowsill behind my new (a couple months old) expensive couch and pulled
the remaining pot of dirt and the bare stalk of a plant down onto the couch.
My first worry was (besides my couch) that the plant was poisonous.  I'm
embarrassed to say that I have no idea what type of plant this was (I don't
have a green thumb and it was a gift.) and it seems almost impossible to
without leaves.  I know it wasn't the ones I am positive of being poisonous
poinsettas) because I know better and would never have one of those, but I
remember a pretty long list posted not too long ago of non-edible plants for
Can I assume if he's had no reaction yet that he's ok? It had to be before
pm that he did this and it's 10:30 pm now.  He seems absolutely fine, so I
hate to take him to the emergency vet.  How long do you think I need to
keep a close eye on him in case of some reaction?

Second, though I cannot believe he did this.  He's had a few episodes where
eaten things he shouldn't have - a doll, a stuffed animal, cookies, etc.
But, that
plant has been in the same spot for 2 years and he's often been staying
inside all
day with the run of the house for a couple years now without getting into
trouble during the day (the other incidents occurred when someone accidently
left something on the floor or right under his nose at night while we
slept - it
was always obvious why he thought he could eat the item when we thought
about it).  What made him suddenly eat the plant?  Could he be sick?  Could
he have cabin fever due to not having the space to run in the yard due to
snow?  When I reacted loudly and in shock, he definitely seemed to know
away that he was the one who had done something wrong - he ran into the
room very quickly, slinking low to the ground and looking ashamed.  He does
that on top of that couch is the only place in the house where he's not
allowed.  We
do have another couch that he's free to lay on - and he knows that, too.
there are certainly other plants he can easily reach - should I be moving
out of his reach (as if there's anywhere in the house that's really out of
his reach)?
I'll be doing a search on archives to find that list and triple checking to
be sure
none I have are poisonous (even though I THOUGHT I'd given it a cursory
before when I first saw the list).  Any other ideas/advice?

Jill Kramer and Benny (3 years old)
Baltimore, MD

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