Yesterday evening we experienced one of the horrors that we all dread.

Uschi (aka Houdini), the youngest girl, went missing at dinner time, but as
she often chases after hares and things we didn't worry as she always comes
home again, especially when she smells the dinner cooking! However, we
searched and called her from time to time with no effect and finally at 9.30
pm we decided that there wasn't much more to be done as we can't see in the
dark and the mountain side is potentially full of problems at night.

Then I thought I heard a dog howling quite pitifully and went to
investigate. I thought she must be injured and put some proper shoes on,
grabbed a torch and a lead and headed up the mountainside to where I thought
the sound was coming from. About 100 metres up the slope are the water tanks
plus an old cement dam which is no longer in use. Uschi had somehow got
herself in the dam and as the walls on the inside are about 2 metres high
she was stuck. I tried to pull her out but I was having to reach over a 1
metre wall from the outside and couldn't manage it, so back home to get
Philip to help. She came over the top, full of beans and so pleased to be
free again. The things I do for dogs!

All's well that ends well and she is her usual self this morning. We have
even more grey hairs and have aged about 10 years.

It made me think, however, about dogs that go missing permanently and the
possibility that they have got themselves stuck somewhere, unable to get out
and am very grateful that she stays near to her home.

Hope today is more tranquil.

Marion Brown
Teversal Bernese Mountain Dogs
South Africa
Dogs Never Lie About Love (Jeffrey Masson)

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