Well, to begin, I could go on and on and on, but I won't.  What's so special about 
Berners is the connection they are able to make with their people, and the effort they 
put into that relationship.  I have two- Jackson who is 2, and Sallie who is 1.  They 
are very different dogs, and Jackson is definitely "mine".  We sort of cling to each 
other- I'm pretty much his Mommie and his is surely my sweet "first-born" son.
I suppose this type of relationship is possible with any dog, so again, What's So 
Special?  Jackson has the ability to sense my feelings and knows how to act 
accordingly (more so than my husband!).  When I am happy, he is thrilled and playful 
and starts games.  When I am upset or frustrated, he stays patiently by my side 
letting me know I am not alone. (But not too close!)  When I am sad and going through 
overwhelming times, my Jackson lays on the couch with me, his head in my lap and has a 
way of letting me know he loves me always.  This year I lost my son, late in my 
pregnancy. Jackson was there for me every minute.  He was so obviously sad for me. But 
I swear there were times I caught him looking just so sad, and I knew he was sad for 
himself too.
These guys are simply amazing. There may be health problems, but noone comes with a 
guarantee of long life.  It is so worth it to have what may be a few short incredible 
years with a Berner.
Good luck with your decision,
Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

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