Using the 2000 Health Survey data, out of 45 deaths from histio, the age
range was:
45 months - 125 months, or not quite 4 years to just over 10
The percentage of dogs over the age of 10 years was 13.9%
Looking at just the ones that were autopsied, there were 29 histio
good ideas - also, as hard as it may be, as soon as your dog is
diagnosed with histio, PLEASE contact Heidi Parker at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
so she may get you a blood collection kit. This is so important to not
only our beloved berners but also to other breeds suffering from this
fatal disease.
Or, h
Hi everyone,
It could help the malignant histiocytosis study at
Fred Hutchinson's if we could provide them with our
best guess as to what % of berners greater than or
equal to 10 years old pass away due to malignant
histiocytosis. I realize that necropsies are normally
not done on older dogs so