This has been a lonnnnng week.  For starters I worked 6 straight full days
(GASP! what a shock to my system, it's been months since I worked that many
hours).  We've got company coming next week in the person of my non-dog
tolerant brother & wife, so the push is on to straighten up the place
(something I'm failing miserably at!).  Aeryn has protested my absence by
eating first a 2 kg. bag of dog biscuits, then yesterday an entire large bag
of potato chips!  It's been humid & hot and the one clinic I worked at had
no air conditioner (and of course we were swamped with appointments -- I saw
19 patients in 4 hours!). Then the big black-out happened -- for some reason
our house was spared and we never lost power, but it did affect the clinic I
was working at.

So, imagine how my little heart leapt and went all a-pitter-patter and a
smile lit up my face as I trudged around the very crowded grocery store this
afternoon and found the MOST adorable plush Berner toy!  I totally ignored
the sign telling me to ask for help to get items off the top the shelf as I
ditched my shopping list and scaled the shelving unit to pull down the toy.
Hmmmmm, it's heavy and bonked me on the head as I caught it.  No matter!  No
price tag, but no it wasn't free, I flagged down the shelf stocker and sent
him on a mission to find out the price (toy is already in my cart anyway, so
it's a done deal one way or the other).  $29.99 was more than reasonable and
"Alexander" (named on the spot) rode home with me with his head hanging out
the truck window.

The toy is of a sturdy standing Berner, and is designed for a young child to
sit on it and ride!  About the size of 4-5 mos. old real Berner puppy, it
stands around 22" floor to top of the head and is around 28-30" long.  The
tail (no white tip though) is held jauntily off to the side in a perpetual
wag position (how appropriate!).  Mouth open in a cheeky smile.  Great big
feet complete with white toes, in a 4-square stance.  It really is

Devyn tackled Alexander and was disappointed when the play was not
reciprocated, Aeryn showed her domience by briefly grabbing the muzzle, and
Rowyn checked it out for privates!  Crooked kitten Jessyka has been seen
hugging those big paws and licking them!  My Dad wonders why it isn't alive
and thinks I should take it back and bring home a live one (sounds like it
might be time to start looking for that real live puppy! but I'm not parting
with Alexander).

I envision maybe making up some rockers for it.  Or it's just the right
height to rest your feet on when lounging on the couch.  Or just plain
decorating up the livingroom (what will the brother think?!!).

No manufacturer on the labels -- just says Made in China and imported for
Loblaws Canada.  I found it in my local Zehrs grocery store.  They'd be
prohibitively heavy to mail out to people, so start combing those stores for
your own standing Berner toy!!!!  I'd be happy to e-mail a picture to anyone

sue(Aeryn with Devyn & Rowyn -- and Alexander the newest addition to the
plush menagerie -- I sense a plush-filled Christmas picture for this year --
can you find the real dog(s)?!)

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