I was going to take a break from this list for a while.  I have had positive
and negative experiences on this list as what we all experience in life in
general.  However, this evening I had such a pleasant experience - I wanted
to share it with fellow Berner lovers and so I thought - ah go a head.

I have my first litter of Bernese Mountain Dog pups that are now almost 7
weeks old.  It was not easy getting to this point and I won't elaborate on
the negatives because I do not want to ruin the moment.  (My only brief
comment would be for those who fear to express on here - never let anyone's
opinions or comments prevent you from expressing your self.)

I live in Wisconsin and today we had several inches of snow.  I broke the
routine of my pups and took them all outside to see and feel snow.  I have
six of them.  The dam and my other adult female berner who by all purposes
is their aunt and godmother joined us.

What a pleasure to watch these pups explore snow.  I can not tell you how
beautiful it was to see the interaction between mom and aunt of these pups
who were having their first experience with winter and snow.  I marveled at
watching them investigate and some of them being braver than others.  I also
marveled at the joy the adult dogs had in interacting and playing with all
of them in the snow.

The adults played and ran after each other, playfully growled at the pups,
and then both just stopped and observed how the pups were taking to the
environment.  What a joy and pleasant experience for me to forget about our
rush world, work, deadlines and just enjoy the innocence of these new babes
to the world.  I take pride in their mom and their patient aunt who had to
take a sideline while I devoted more time to the pups and less time to her.

I had struggles and doubts. I had horrible criticism on this list and with
my local club.  I found some beautiful supportive folks also.

I hope I do not get in trouble for the plug but my mentor Lynn Griffin and
the owner of the sire of my pups - Laura Carprara have been so instrumental
in helping me get to this point.  I can not thank each of them enough.  My
pups are being evaluated this weekend for conformation and I look forward to
learning.  However, I know that I produced great pups that are healthy and a
true asset to the breed of Bernese Mountain Dogs.  No one can take that from
me or these wonderful pups.

I have a roommate who is aware of the politics, the rumors, the scuttle but
and negative comments I endured.  He told me that he had no idea if any of
these pups were show potential but if there was an award for the best care
for pups in the world - this litter would win.  I had the added compliment
of my veterinarian telling me that he would refer professional dog breeders
to me because of my instinct and thoroughness in the breeding and raising of
this litter.

I overcame obstacles!  Laura Caprara with her Ch.  Spencer and my mentor
Lynn Griffin were tremendous support systems.  Also, and if I may pat myself
on the back, my perseverance, my instinct of animals and my dog, and my
ability to be assertive to well meaning and not so well meaning individuals
who attempted to misrepresent me paid off.   Any one who has one of these
pups will be truly blessed.

I would do it over again and I know that I am in this breed for the long

But - back to my point - the beauty in seeing a litter of  pups that you
helped bring in to this world and especially - Bernese Mountain Dogs play in
the snow for the first time - is such a heart warming and peaceful
experience.  If only all of us could slow down in this chaotic world and
capture such moments!!!!

Thanks for listening to me brag, expound, vent, or just share.  To my
friends and supporters - thank you.  To those who are still learning how not
to be so critical of me I know that you will just have to come around.

Mark Mohapp
Lake Geneva, WI

Chloe  5 1/2
Mora 4 with six beautiful seven week old babes

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