Hi, Listers -  My girl had a bit of a digging problem when she was young.  I
was never really able to get a handle on it, but I think mostly because I
used to get s kick out of watching her do it!  She was so determined and
focused, those paws furiously flying, the ears flopping up and
down....Cracked me up:)
 My friends and I took on the summer project of building a brick patio in
the backyard 2 years ago.  We had to excavate a large area and therefore had
a HUGE pile of dirt in a section of the backyard.  Well, that became
"Harper's Hill".  She would chase the other dog off of the hill (a 140lb
Rottie), dig a hole on the side and plop down.  Nose covered, paws brown
with dust, belly clumped with dirt and she was happy as can be.  How do you
get mad at that?

When it became too much, I used to try filling a hole with poop.  That
seemed to help for that section, but she would just move to another part of
the lawn.  She eventually grew out of it.  It was funny to watch though!
-Ellen & Harper

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