Hi Jorge,

Lots of thanks for your explanation. 

The IMET route will not be propagated so the F bit inside it will not be 
propagated even if the L2 attr is not recognised by the L2 gateway.  

But the flow label cannot be used for BUM packets, is this a design object to 
avoid some other issues or just a result of the technical-restraints caused by 
ESI label mechanisms?

If it is just a result of the technical-restraints caused by ESI label 
mechanisms, whether an ELI label can be used or not? 

If an ELI label can be used (may be an ELI flag can be added), I think it will 
be helpful to improve the following use case:


Above network has no original flow label configurations, but when it starts to 
be configured with flow label commands, the configuration will be done one PE 
by one PE (as shown in above figure), during the configuration the traffic 
(e.g. from PE3 to PE2) will be dropped according current rfc7432bis. 

But if an ELI label can be used, the flow label can be optional even if a F bit 
is advertised. 

I also don't understand the following description very well: 

"When the L2-Attr Extended Community is received from a remote PE, flow label F 
flag MUST be checked against local flow label enablement. If there is a 
mismatch, the local PE MUST NOT add the remote PE as the EVPN destination for 
any of the corresponding service instances. "

Literally I think it is saying that the remote PE MUST NOT be added as both BUM 
destination and known-unicast destination. But I am not sure that it is 
necessary. Because although the F bit is contained in IMET route but flow label 
is not applied to BUM destination. So whether such remote PE can be added as 
BUM destinations or not according to rfc7432bis?

"When sending EVPN-encapsulated packets over a P2MP LSP (either RSVP-TE or 
mLDP), flow label SHOULD NOT be used. This is independant of any F-bit 
signalling in the L2-Attr Extended Community which would still apply to 

Given that the flow label is not applied to BUM pakcets, and the known-unicast 
packets will not use a P2MP LSP,  what is the point this paragraph want to tell 

Literally it sounds like that when sending BUM packets over P2MP LSP, the 
known-unicast packet (regardless of what tunnel it is using) cannot use a flow 
label even if the F-bit is signalled. 

Is it the point that it want to say?

Could you make the above more clear?




日 期 :2023年05月04日 11:26
主 题 :Re: Re:Discussion about F (Flow label) bit of draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis  
section 7.11

Hi Yubao,


My previous email was not about L3 gateways either. RFC9014 defines L2 EVPN 
gateways for ELAN services.


rfc7432bis defines that the signaling of flow label, CW or MTU for EVPN ELAN 
services is done in the IMET route, not the A-D per EVI route. This is 
irrespective of the flow label only being used for known unicast traffic.






From: wang.yub...@zte.com.cn <wang.yub...@zte.com.cn>
 Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 6:28 PM
 To: Jorge Rabadan (Nokia) <jorge.raba...@nokia.com>
 Cc: draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432...@ietf.org <draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432...@ietf.org>, 
bess@ietf.org <bess@ietf.org>
 Subject: Re:Discussion about F (Flow label) bit of draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis  
section 7.11


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Hi Jorge,


The gateway in my previous mail is not a L3 gateway. We can take a virtual hub 
node of 
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-virtual-hub-00 for 
an  example, as I had mentioned in the previous mail.  Such L2 gateway is a bit 
like the gateway of draft-sr-bess-evpn-vpws-gateway.  But here is EVPN VPLS 


The route propagation is not about IMET routes, which may not carry the F bit 
because BUM cannot use a flow label. An example for the propagation is the 
route relay which is done by a virtual hub node for a virtual spoke  node's 
Ethernet A-D per EVI routes.


When such route-relay is done by a PE which has no knowledge of L2 Attr EC for 
a virtual spoke which has an implementation of rfc7432bis , there may be some 
issues that should be concerned.


Such gateway is not defined in rfc7432bis, but I think a rfc7432bis node may 
need to cowork with such gateway.










日 期 :2023年04月28日 22:02

主 题 :Re: Re:Discussion about F (Flow label) bit of draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis  
section 7.11

Hi Yubao,


Thanks for explaining!


RFC7432 never described a gateway functionality. RFC9014 does, that’s what I 
tried to say, but I see what you mean.


However, if you have a gateway with a MAC-VRF instantiated and that gateway 
does not support the decapsulation of the flow label, the gateway will never 
add F=1 in its IMET route to either of the two domains. There is no propagation 
of IMET routes on a RFC9014 gateway, but origination on each domain. So I don’t 
see any issue here.


Let me know if I understood your concern.






From: wang.yub...@zte.com.cn <wang.yub...@zte.com.cn>
 Date: Friday, April 28, 2023 at 4:09 AM
 To: Jorge Rabadan (Nokia) <jorge.raba...@nokia.com>
 Cc: draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432...@ietf.org <draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432...@ietf.org>, 
bess@ietf.org <bess@ietf.org>
 Subject: Re:Discussion about F (Flow label) bit of draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis  
section 7.11


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or opening attachments. See the URL nok.it/ext for additional information.



Hi Jorge,


Thank you for your response.

I talk about EVPN VPLS per 

That section of rfc7432bis extends L2-Attr EC (which is defined in EVPN VPWS) 


And my case 2 taks about a gateway which only implements RFC7432, it doesn't 
recognize L2-Attr EC (this is different from  draft-sr-bess-evpn-vpws-gateway  
) . What I want to know is whether there is a solution under the existing 
RFC/drafts. I think there may be packet decapsulation error in case 2 following 
current rfc7432bis.


If there is a solution using existing mechanisms and those mechanisms is an 
option of a RFC, I think it will be better to mention that mechanism in the 
corresponding section of rfc7432bis,because in such case it is required in 
order to avoid traffic loss when rfc7432bis cowork with existing old devices.


And I think 
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-virtual-hub-00  may 
need to refer to rfc7432bis,and requires the implementation of L2-Attr EC is a 
SHOULD or MUST, because otherwise a virtual hub (which doesn't recognized a 
L2-Attr and can't decapsulate Flow label) cannot cowork with a rfc7432-enabled 
virtual spoke (which signalled F bit in L2-Attr EC). 











日 期 :2023年04月28日 01:51

主 题 :Re: Discussion about F (Flow label) bit of draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis  
section 7.11

Hi Yubao,


Since you are referring to the A-D per EVI route signaling the F bit, I assume 
you talk about EVPN VPWS, however you mention MAC-VRF, so that’s confusing.

The case you are describing – propagation of the L2-attributes extended 
community when readvertising the A-D per EVI or IMET route – is for sure out of 
the scope of rfc7432bis.

Your case 1 sounds like an inter-domain model B case, which is covered by 
draft-rabadan-bess-evpn-inter-domain-opt-b. In this case, the Border Router 
just preserves the FAT label.

Your case 2 sounds like a service gateway model (RFC9014 for multi-point L2 and 
draft-sr-bess-evpn-vpws-gateway for EVPN VPWS). In this case, the gateway may 
change the F flag depending on its capabilities.

Please have a look and let us know if you have comments.



From: wang.yub...@zte.com.cn <wang.yub...@zte.com.cn>
 Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 8:33 AM
 To: draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432...@ietf.org <draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432...@ietf.org>
 Cc: bess@ietf.org <bess@ietf.org>
 Subject: Discussion about F (Flow label) bit of draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis  
section 7.11


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or opening attachments. See the URL nok.it/ext for additional information.



Hi all,


The F bit is defined in EVPN L2-Attr extended community of 

When the RT-1 per EVI route including that L2-attr pass through a node  which 
does not recognize a L2-attr EC,  there will be two cases:

Case1: that node change the MPLS label of that RT-1 per EVI to a label whose 
label operation is a swap.

Case2: that node change the MPLS label of that RT-1 per EVI to a label whose 
label operation is a pop, and that second label identifies a local MAC-VRF.


In either of these two cases, that node may propagate that L2-attr to other PEs 
(i.e. PE3),

but in case 2 it will cause those PEs to send a flow label to it,  while it 
cannot decapsulate that flow label thus packet drop may happen.


Is there any solution to make those two cases distinguish from each other (from 
the viewpoint of the target receiving PE PE3) ?



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