I am using the last Slimserver Version: 6.5b1 – 9064 with Windows XP
With a previous release of 6.5b I had access to flac files on the DVD.
I have a shortcut toward the DVD drive in my music repertory and
previously using BROWSE FOLDER, while the squeezebox (or softsqueeze)
shows a blank line, pushing RIGHT gave the list of the repertories or
files on the DVD.
Now with the actual release I get the message : ‘File format directory’
and then I cannot have access to the files on DVD.
But if I press PLAY it seems that Slimserver is scanning the DVD and
after a moment (about 30 s.) the first file on the DVD is played and
even shown in NOW PLAYING. But still there is no way to browse the
files. After this ‘scanning’ I can also play by BROWSE/ARTIST/Name of
the piece of music.
Any suggestion?

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