Re: [SlimDevices: Beta] 7.3.3 25303 nightly dies after theEND on startup

2009-03-05 Thread Michael Herger
> [09-03-04 15:55:10.4798] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::shutdownPlugin > (3411) disabling > [09-03-04 15:55:10.4800] Plugins::TrackStat::Plugin::uninstallHook > (3581) Hook deactivated. > Then exits. Could you please try without any 3rd party plugin installed? 25303 is working fine here. -- Mic

[SlimDevices: Beta] 7.3.3 25303 nightly dies after theEND on startup

2009-03-04 Thread chroma
osx 10.5.6 following initPlugins on startup... 09-03-04 15:55:10.4737] Slim::bootstrap::theEND (418) Got to the END [09-03-04 15:55:10.4739] Slim::bootstrap::sigint (382) Got sigint [09-03-04 15:55:10.4788] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::shutdownPlugins (737) Shutting down plugins... [09-03-04 15:5