* RichardG shaped the electrons to say...

Have some one hit wonder tracks that I like to store under an Album name
of "Single" or "12 Inch", but these are sometimes in different
directories. Browse Albums is giving me duplicate album names with
tracks that are in that directory under each repeated name.

So, after the initial scan, I have around 12 "Single" albums, expanding
the first one shows tracks that are in the "music/dance/single"
directory. Expanding the second shows tracks in the "music/dance/R&B"
directory. And so on.

Richard - the best way to solve this for tracks that are scattered around
your directory tree is to add the 'Compilation' flag to the files. For MP3
files, iTunes and other taggers support the TCMP tag. For FLAC & Ogg files,
simply add COMPILATION=1 to your metadata.

<dr.pox> do they call it 'gq' because it makes your text fashionable?
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