Subject: A lesson learned for a child

  A lesson learned from a child


One Sunday morning a man (preacher) was busy in doing some urgent work. It
was a rainy day and his son was restless and bored, with nothing to do.
Finally, in desperation, the man picked up an old magazine and showed a map
of the world in the magazine to his son. Then the man tore the page from the
magazine, ripped it into little bits and threw the scraps all over the room
floor with the words: "Raj, if you can put this all together. I'll give you


The man thought this would take Raj most of the morning. But within ten
minutes there was a knock on his door. It was his son with the completed
puzzle. The man was amazed to see Raj finished so soon, with the pieces of
paper neatly arranged and the map of the world back in order.


"Son, how did you get that done so fast?" the man asked. "Oh, it was easy"
said Raj. "On the other side there was a picture of a man. I just put a
piece of paper on the bottom, put the picture of the man together, put a
piece of paper on top, and then turned it over. I figured that if I got the
man right, the world would be right."


The man smiled and handed his son Rs.10. "And you've given my sermon for
today, too." he said. 


'If a man is right, his world will be right.'


There's a great lesson in this idea. 


If you are unhappy with your world and want to change it,

 the place to start is with yourself.


If you are right, your world will be right.


Quote for the day


"Vision without action is merely a dream.

 Action without vision merely passes the time.

 Vision with action can change the World."




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