In America and some other places, I hear children carry guns to school! I
think these children have never experienced true love and compassion.
Nowadays parents fight in front of children. What will children learn? I
request parents to shower love and affection on their children. Infants need
comfort and care even while in the cradle. Hold them close, breastfeed them
with love and tenderness. Teach them by example all that is good during
their formative years. Parents should not express anger and hatred or fight
in front of children. If they do, how is the child to learn patience and

If you walk through a field of soft, green grass, it will automatically make
a path. Whereas, it would take countless trips up and down a stony hillside,
in order to wear away a trail. In the same way, a child's character and
personality can be moulded easily in their formative years. Children need
loving care, but at the same time, we should not forget to discipline them.
Instil in them love for all creation. This is possible through good value

Our minds tend to become like stagnant ponds, full of dirt and sediments. In
order to clean the pond, you need infusion of fresh water as that from a
river, the river of loving kindness, a dose of pure consciousness or what we
call God, for only that kind of Grace can help clear the impurities and
restore the mind to its purity. Then we can love selflessly and live in


To show compassion to the suffering is our obligation. Any spiritual quest
should begin with selfless service. If you sit in meditation and expect the
third eye to open without opening your two eyes, can that happen? Be a
witness and give of yourself without expectation. We cannot close our eyes
to the world, call it spirituality and expect to become Self-realised. To
behold Unity with open eyes as you look at the world, that is


When a flower has not yet blossomed, when it is still a bud, its beauty and
fragrance is not yet manifest. No one is able to appreciate or enjoy them.
But when the flower blossoms, when it unfolds in bewitching colour and form,
when its fragrance wafts through the air, it invokes joy and happiness all
around. In the same way, the flowers of our hearts have not yet blossomed.
They are still tiny buds. However, if nurtured by faith in Pure
Consciousness or God, by love and compassion and by adherence to good
principles, the buds of our hearts are bound to unfold. Revealing their
beauty and spreading their fragrance, they become truly blessings to the

Religion is not limited to the words of scriptures. Religion is a way of
life. Its beauty and charm are expressed in the love and compassion of those
who live in accordance with its guidelines. But simply reading the label on
a medicine bottle will not affect a cure. You have to consume the medicine.
You cannot taste the sweetness of honey by licking a piece of paper on which
the world 'honey' is written. Likewise, the principles handed down by sages
and masters, religious texts and stories must be contemplated on, meditated
upon, and finally realised. Realisation is something to be experienced; it
cannot be expressed in words. Courtesy: Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust. 


Today is Amma's 60th birthday. 

By  <> Marguerite Theophil on
Sep 26, 2013 |


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