
1. You eat too little
Some people often think that by having a light breakfast and lunch they will be 
losing weight as their calorie intake is going to be less. There is a 
misconception that skipping any meal saves calories. Skipping meals and fasting 
results in your metabolism slowing down, and your body stops metabolizing fat 
to lose weight. You should never consume less than 1,200 calories per day. 
Strive for at least three meals a day and always start your day with a healthy 
2. Liquid calories
When counting calories, we often ignore calories from alcohol, smoothies, 
coffee with cream and sugar, sweetened juices, teas, and soft drinks which can 
easily make or break your weight loss plans.
3. Too much stress
Being under constant stress can increase the production of the hormone cortisol 
that can increase your appetite and make you store more fat (especially around 
the abdominal region).
The simplest way to overcome the overeating is to find a way to manage your 
stress more effectively. Simple ways to manage stress include taking a few 
minutes a day to relax or meditate, listening to your favourite music or taking 
a walk outside.
If thyroid hormone levels decrease, everything in your body slows down 
including metabolism, a condition called hypothyroidism.
All of the extra calories that you are consuming become stored as fat resulting 
in weight gain. The right medications will get you back on track towards losing 
5. Cheating in your diet plan
Being too restrictive can result in binge-eating, and you'll be less likely to 
sustain your diet. You can eat what you like once a week but you should 
seriously restrict the quantity.
6. Irregular meal timing
If you're juggling a job and a family, it's hard to eat at regular times. 
Eating infrequently can also cause weight loss plans to stop working. Your 
eating habits are directly proportional to your weight loss.
7. Lack of sleep
When you don't get enough sleep, it may affect the secretion of the hormone 
cortisol that regulates appetite. Studies have shown that lack of sleep could 
increase appetite and compromise insulin sensitivity which can contribute to 
weight gain.
Furthermore, a new study suggests that even getting too much sleep (nine or 
more hours a night) may also lead to weight gain. To be an efficient 
fat-burning machine, your body requires at least eight hours of sleep a night.
8. Not eating enough protein
Lean protein helps you stay satisfied for longer and it boosts metabolism to 
help you burn more fat. Protein also happens to require the most energy for the 
digestion process so your total net calories are lower.
9. Gaining muscle
Weighing scale doesn't tell the whole story always. For example, it doesn't 
measure the fat mass and muscle mass.
Weight training along with proper diet will lead to fat loss, but it also 
promotes muscle gain and better bone density. So, if you don't see any 
improvement although you feel good, it's most likely extra muscle and stronger 
bone from weight training.
You can measure your body fat percentage to get a more accurate progress from 
your weight loss efforts.
10. Insulin resistance
Chronically elevated blood sugar levels result in greater metabolic 
dysfunction. This is called Syndrome X. If you suspect that you might be 
insulin resistant, see your doctor for a simple test followed by proper 
Obesity is a very complex medical problem in our society and achieving an ideal 
weight requires a multifaceted approach. Despite what you might hear, fat loss 
is not just about diet and exercise.
Most people tend to shift from one diet or exercise program to the other when 
they do not see immediate results. When it comes to weight loss, Patience is a 


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