 Are you following these 6 rules of great financial life ?

Everything in life has basic ground rules, which we should never forget. You 
can consider these ground rules as the pillars of your decision making 
activity. Even our financial lives have some ground rules to follow in order to 
have a great and enriching life. Over the last 5 years of writing this blog and 
having interacted with thousands of people, I can clearly conclude that more 
than making right decisions in financial life, you should focus on avoiding bad 
 . I have seen so many people who have been careful, not messed up th ings and 
their financial life quality is really awesome. They have not lost wealth due 
to foolish mistakes and live a clean financial life overall and while they feel 
lag behind others, I can say they are ahead of others in many ways. Yes – They 
have not taken awesome decisions, but the best part is they have not made 
terrible mistakes either. Lets explore more on this today

6 pillars of great financial life

Now I am going to talk about 6 areas of financial life which are like pillers. 
If you are clear about these ground rules and start some serious work on all of 
them, your overall quality of financial life should go up. But having said 
that, its a long term activity !

1. Rule of Earning

“Do not depend on a single income. Invest and create a second/ third source of 

So many people just never focus on this. A person in a job has just taken it as 
his fate, that his only source of income will be his Salary. For him alternate 
source of income other than his salary is like a distant dream which he can 
only see, but could not achieve. The same happens with a businessman at times. 
He depends solely on his business income. Why? Why not also have some other 
passive income from other non-core business area.

Atleast start thinking in that direction ? Lets Explore some extra income 
source. I dont say, it need to be some grand income, but lets make some start 
atleast, if not in action taking, atleast in thinking about it, I personally 
tasted some passive income from my first book 
  royalty, while it was not a big one (opposite to what people think) , it 
atleast gave me some good feeling. Other than our business income, I had some 
source of income from other stream. Thats important ! . It can be a small 
income, not a grand one . Thats okay ! . Whatever is your specialization, you 
must be god gifted into some or the other thing in life, start sharing about it 
with world by writing about it, you never know when you start making fans for 
yourself and it might bring some opportunity to you in life. Nandish has 
written a nice piece of “Giving your Gifts to the world” 
  on our Jagoinvestor Wealth Club, check it out . If you are damn good about 
something , why not offer consulting or accept freelance projects in your own 

Forget all that, at minimum, If you are a person who comes home early, why not 
take some tutions to make few extra bucks. Its not about earning a little more, 
its about the habit of creating an extra income. You never know when, in the 
future when you might have to look at it seriously! . So the point is, go ahead 
and put a small seed in your head about “Creating Alternate income” .

2. Rule of Spending

“If you buy things that you do not need, you may soon have to sell things you 

People are over spending. There is no doubt about this. Just look at your own 
expenses & write them down. Question each of your expenses, do you really need 
them? Is it out of necessity or just a desire which you can avoided altogether 
or atleast minimized? The answer will be in front of you. If you have not yet 
tracked where your money is going and if you are our special member at Wealth 
Club, you might want to download this Budget Template 

One of our Bangalore clients told us last year that he has seen a lot of his 
friends, who buy a car on the first day of getting the job! and mostly they 
dont need it. Its either to show off, or just that short term desire of own it, 
without thinking about long term aspects of it. Its just unplanned!. Then there 
are people buying 25 shirts, when they only need only 12. There are people, who 
don’t have the `haisiyat` of driving an Alto Car, but they have bought a Honda 
City just to show off !

It just violates the rule of spending!.

Slowly but surely, this will take them towards disaster. It will come as 
surprise (to them) one day. Spending is a core activity of your life. You earn 
so that you can spend it, nothing wrong with it, but there is a difference 
between spending and over-spending. Understand it today to make your future 
more robust.

3. Rule of Savings

“Do not spend what is left after spending, instead spend after you save/invest”

This is directly related to rule 2 above. If you do not control your spending, 
you can never be able to save much and then you will never be able to give your 
best for your wealth creation. Fix this clearly & prominently in your head. For 
most people the formula is

Saving = Income – Expenses

If you rely on the natural flow of life, you can never save. Life will give you 
all the reasons why you can only save amount X . At times Nandish tells me – 
“Manish , you know what, if you do not define the purpose for your money, money 
will find its own purpose” . This is very strong point , for a moment, just 
slow down and think about it. you will realise what it means. You need to 
control the flow of money and you have to create that flow yourself.

I just ask to most of the people to do this 1 min experiment. I tell them – 
“Imagine your employer says that from next month, you will get a salary cut of 
10% and all you will get is just 90% in your income 
 . For most of the people, will they not be able to live the same life as they 
lived till now ? If the answer is YES , then why are they waiting for ? Why not 
give that small salary cut to yourself as your gift to your financial life. You 
will enjoy this salary cut in coming years. trust me.

So your next task today is tell your family, yourself and your relatives that 
from now on you will be living on just 90% of your salary – PERIOD! . Start 
doing it and slowly you will see that magically – you will be able to manage 
things – Try it! It works! .Your assets , your net worth , and every bit of 
wealth comes from those tiny savings you consistently do for years. That’s the 
most important ingredient part of your wealth creation. If you do not focus on 
optimizing it, nothing else will work out!

4. Rule of taking Risk

“Never test the depth of the river with both your feet”

There is a very thin line between risk and calculated-risk 
 . Calculated risk is the risk which is taken after due thought, and by 
accepting the future consequences and a thought full evaluation of how the odds 
are stacked.

If you invest a big sum of money in stocks, just because markets are going up 
and you do not want to miss the train, and just because that guy on CNBC said 
you should , then you are taking a risk. You will not be able to sleep at night 
for sure.

However if you look at the current market and tell yourself that – “Markets 
have not moved up from last 5 years, and this kind of situation in past have 
been proven to give great returns in next 5 years and you are economically 
ready to loose up to 30% of your money, and thats why you choose to invest in 
stocks, then its a calculated risk! . You have put some reasoning , thoughts 
and accepted the downside of that decision and hence you are taking that risk !

Taking risk is not a bad thing at all. It’s the only thing which can help you 
grow at exponential rate. Those who don’t take risks, just die a simple life 
most of the times. The best things in the life are on the other end of the Risk 
, its on the opposite side of it. So take risks, but always make sure they are 
calculated one ! . Over the long term, one an average, you will do great. Its 
proven already, I am just reminding you!.

5. Rule of Investing

“Do not put all your eggs in one basket”

Warren Buffet is not a very big fan of diversifying. All the money he has 
today, comes from stocks, but there is one simple rule he has followed – “Put 
all your eggs in one basket, if you know you are an expert of that basket and 
closely keep an eye on it”.

Most of us are not like Warren Buffet! . So lets not copy him. What if you have 
put most of your money in one single asset class or a property or a particular 
branch of a bank? or just a single stock. Things can go wrong, and when it goes 
wrong, you will cry out loud, but no will will be able to help. You will be 
helpless and will regret like anything.

As a best practice make sure that your wealth is not in a single place. 
Remember that portfolio diversification 
  is mainly a tool of minimizing risk, not for maximizing returns, so don’t ask 
a stupid question like – “Will diversifying my money to different places 
increase my returns?” – The answer is “It might… or it might not!/. But 
properly done, it will surely minimize the risk of losing your wealth in 
future.” .

6. Rule of Expectation

“Control your expectations, and control your happiness – they are same thing”

One very dedicated reader of this blog – Pattu, who teaches at IIT Chennai, 
told me once that he does not expect equity to give him more than 8% of returns 
in long term and he always invests his money in equity, assuming that he will 
get 8% or better in long run. Anything more than that would be a bonus for him. 
I am sure that he must be happy all his life and will never be disappointed 
with equity returns.

In financial life, we expect agents to work in our favor, we expect financial 
products to give us amazing returns, we expect financial planners to charge 
less, but give an awesome experience (Like we give to our paid clients 
 ) , we expect life insurance companies to pay our family, even if we make some 
mistake while disclosing some important information, we expect our credit card 
to  forget the penalty for in-case we don’t pay on time, we expect government 
to decrease the tax rates. 

If you look, we are an “expecting” machine in our life. I can say from my tiny 
experience of life till date, happiness and expectations are just the two 
different words for the same thing. If you want to get in control of your 
happiness level, just control your expectations in life. Stop the expectations 
from others, better control yourself and your expectations, because thats all 
you can control. not others.

Practice these 6 rules in your financial life

If you can master these 6 rules in your financial life, your quality of life 
will improve. Each decision of yours should originate out of these 6 piller 




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