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From: Ravi Valluri [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 1:05 PM
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Subject: Fwd: My first meeting with Narendra Modi


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From: Krishnamurthy Kumar <>
Date: Tue, May 13, 2014 at 11:37 AM
Subject: My first meeting with Narendra Modi
To: Ravi Valluri <>
Welcome to the offical blog of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

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My first meeting with Narendra Modi

May 12, 2014 |  <> Godhra,  
<> Narendra Modi

As the new millennium approached, the buzz about the end of the world and 
impending catastrophe raised great panic in the West. People had gone paranoid 
selling their homes and hoarding groceries and I was travelling from coast to 
coast assuring them that no such thing would happen. Thankfully the World did 
not disappear and it was business as usual!

In August, 2000, I was in New York City to address the UN Millennium World 
Peace Summit, which opened with an address by the UN Secretary General Kofi 
Anan. A huge contingent from the Indian subcontinent was present. Perhaps for 
the first time a large number of saffron clad swamis had come to a UN summit.

The speeches had been live translated in many languages, but not Hindi. Many of 
the swamis and acharyas could hardly understand the proceedings. There was 
palpable frustration and disappointment in the group. At that moment, I felt 
that we had far better organizational skills and the potential to do much 
bigger events.

The speakers were given five minutes each. I finished my speech in four. 
Satyanarayan Goenkaji was to speak after me. He went on speaking beyond the 
stipulated time. The warning bell rang – once, twice, thrice, yet he continued. 
Eventually, he had to be stopped and taken away from the podium, causing an 
embarrassment to the Indian contingent.

After the summit, we were sitting in the lobby. A man in a blue Safari suit was 
sitting right across me. Goenkaji was seated next to him, complaining that he 
flew all the way for 18 hours, and was not even given half an hour to speak.  
After a while, Dr B K Modi, the Coordinator for the Indian subcontinent for the 
Millennium World Peace Summit, introduced the man in blue safari as Sri 
Narendra Modi, an RSS pracharak. Narendra Modi greeted me and said, “Your 
speech was short and to the point and everyone appreciated it.” I was not sure 
if he was complimenting me or giving a subtle message about what had happened 
earlier in the day. I smiled and moved away.  This was my first encounter with 
Narendra Modi.

In December, 2001, a few months after Modi became the Chief Minister of 
Gujarat, I received a phone call from Mehul, one of our coordinators in 
Ahmedabad. He told me that a reliable source had informed him of a riot being 
planned to create trouble for the new Modi government. The riots broke out in 
February, 2002 and numbed the nation into grief, sorrow and distrust. Nobody 
could and should condone the scale of violence that took place following the 
burning of karsevaks in a train.

Soon after the riots, the Art of Living volunteers started trauma care 
activities in relief camps. I visited many camps in Ahmedabad including the 
Shah Alam Camp. I listened to the plight of the victims from both the 
communities. It was a horror story laced with overflowing emotions and 
victim-hood. I came back to Bangalore without meeting the Chief Minister and we 
continued our relief efforts for many months.

I met prominent people on both sides to keep the interfaith dialogue going. A 
few people alleged that Sangh Pariwar had set their own people on fire in the 
train to create an excuse to attack the minorities. I disagreed.

It was in these sombre settings that I met Narendra Modi for the second time. I 
visited Gujarat again in 2004. By then, the battle lines were clearly drawn. 
Modi had become a pariah. Bashing him had become a fashion. People who differed 
even slightly with this trend were branded communal or belonging to RSS and VHP.

I decided to confront him directly. As soon as we settled down for our meeting, 
I looked into his eyes and asked him, “Did you do all that was in your capacity 
to stop these riots?” The directness of my question surprised him. After 
regaining his composure, he replied with moist eyes, “Guruji, do you also 
believe in this propaganda?”

Nothing much was spoken after that. I knew he could not have played a role in 
the riots. Why would a chief minister paint his face black and destroy his own 
reputation? It didn’t make any sense. We sat in silence for few minutes. I 
assured him that the truth was on his side and one day the whole nation would 
recognize him.

In the years that followed, whenever I would visit Gujarat, he would come and 
sit with me in meditation for a few minutes. Often he shared what work he had 
done in villages, knowing that rural development is dear to me. Sometimes, he 
would also participate in our satsangs. He is a staunch devotee of Ma Durga and 
has a very strong spiritual side that is not widely known.

I first met him in the US, where he has not been welcomed for several years. 
The last time he went there was in 2000 as a devout social worker. Much water 
has flown under the bridge in the last 14 years. His next visit might be as the 
head of the world’s largest democracy.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

 <> ?


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