76. When choosing your life partner, remember that this is the most
important decision of

your lifetime.

The marriage relationship offers 90% of all your support, happiness and
fulfillment so choose it wisely. Consider qualities such as affection, sense
of humor,

intelligence, integrity, maturity, temperament, compatibility and that

characteristic of chemistry. If these are present, your relationship stands
an excellent

chance of great success. Move slowly and let no one press you into an


77. Never discuss your personal development activities with anyone.

Your strategies for expanding your mind and spirit are your own.

Others might not understand the value of personal-mastery and, further, will
take away your credit when you meet with success by saying that you relied
on techniques. Keep these self-development activities to yourself.

78. Schedule relaxation time into your week and be ruthless in protecting
it. You would not

schedule another activity into the time planned for an important meeting
with the

president of your company or your best client so why would you put off a
period to invest

in yourself? We must have time for ourselves to reflect, unwind and recharge

batteries. These are the renewal activities that allow us to maintain peak
performance and

are exceptionally valuable periods.

79. 83% of our sensory input comes from our eyes.

To truly concentrate on something, shut your eyes and you will remove much

80. Be the master of your will but the servant of your conscience.

Qualities, Virtues And Powers

Innate or basic characteristics are properties that are unchangeable. It's
impossible to take the heat out of the sun or sweetness out of sugar. Heat
and sweetness are part of the unchanging make-up of the sun and sugar
respectively; they are the basic properties of each of them. In the same
way, in spite of whatever I have become as a human individual, my deep basic
characteristics are still the same ones that have always existed in me. It's
my inner core of qualities that in fact inspires me to seek the ideal in
whatever I do. The impulse to seek and to dream comes from my own store of
innate attributes that is just waiting to be found and brought into
practical activity.

The innate qualities of the soul are those that are the most basic: Peace,
Truth, Happiness, Love, Purity, Power and Bliss. They are so basic that they
themselves are the foundation of all virtues and powers. They are like
primary colors and virtues and powers are secondary colors. Just as orange
(a secondary color) is made of red and yellow (both primary colors) and blue
is made of yellow and green, virtues such as patience, tolerance, courage,
generosity etc. and powers, are obtained by mixing the basic qualities e.g.

Patience - peace, love and, power
Humility . love, peace and truth
Courage - power and truth

The aim of meditation is to emerge and enhance my qualities so that my
behavior becomes full of virtues and powers.

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