On the UI front, here are my thoughts and priorities:

First, I feel like we have some things that are unfinished, which should be 
high priority to get done ASAP:

Mainly things like:

  - Dragging on a selected item should move all selected items 
        Currently we only support the Node Editor for this. Being able to drag 
your selected elements around is such a basic thing which we left unfinished, 
that I think we should try and do this asap

  - Tools & gizmos
        ‘Simple’ gizmos for more tools (https://developer.blender.org/T66304)
        Interactive Create Object tools (Pablo Dobarro started on this. 
        Inside-the-camera gizmo (https://developer.blender.org/T57234)

  - Themes
        We never included additional themes for 2.80. Not super important but 
we promised to do it. I will assist picking them and testing them again. 

Additionally, I expect we will do some of these UI-related merges:
  - Outliner GSOC (https://developer.blender.org/D5388)
  - File Browser UI (https://developer.blender.org/T62971)
  - Text Editor UI (https://developer.blender.org/D5028)

Also many other patches related to the Sequencer UI etc.

I also expect to assist with UI layout and feedback for things like LANPR and 
other new features.

Other things I really hope we could do for this release:
  - Multi-Object Properties Editing (https://developer.blender.org/D4948)
  - Checkbox Aligmnet tweaks (https://developer.blender.org/T65965)
  - Toolbar for the Sequencer (patch already done by Campbell)
  - Toolbar for the Clip Editor (https://developer.blender.org/T57846)
  - Convert NLA sidebar to Python, so we can start to make this 2.8-compliant.

Bigger design-tasks & projects:

  - Asset Browser (https://developer.blender.org/T54642)
        Since this will be a key core part of Blender’s UI and workflow, we 
should really get started with this, so this project doesn’t keep slipping 
forever. At the very least we should have a plan for how to proceed
  - Everything Nodes. I expect to continue working on the Everything Nodes 
design task, with input mainly from Brecht and Jacques Lucke, and others 
  - Drag & drop support for UI elements (https://developer.blender.org/T67893)

> On 26 Jul 2019, at 08.00, Dalai Felinto <dfeli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear developers,
> Which areas would you like to focus on in the next few months? Which
> code improvements, performance, stability, new features in those areas
> would you work on first [1]?
> Finally which bigger new features are you confident would make it in
> the 2.81 release, and which are the ones that might happen? These are
> particularly important so we can allocate more time for code review
> early in the release cycle and work together to assess their
> feasibility.
> That should empower us to set priorities and keep our ongoing
> development on track. The original goal of a more strict 2-3 month
> release cycle is still on the table, and it is up to us to set dates
> the deliverables. As long as we are working in the right priorities,
> and strive for quality, which specific features land in 2.81 are
> secondary.
> I'm away for Siggraph (28-1) so there is no need to rush to reply to this.
> [1] - Please update the module page to reflect this -
> https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Modules /
> https://developer.blender.org/T63725
> Best regards,
> Dalai
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