God Bless you everyone!

Thank you so very much to all my friends around the world for all your
extreme kindness!!! I just got the casts off my hands and after a few days
of rehab for my fingers would like send my first email since the accident to
thank everyone for all the emails and everything.

Thank you especially to the Blender community for showing what caring people
you all are.

Laying here with a broken back unable to move for a month, I can assure you
all your emails and letters and get well soon cards and balloons and
everything meant a lot to me.

I'd like to specifically thank Daniel Salazar of Blender, Kyle Simpson from
Google Inc., Gerry Wang from Vancouver Film School, all my friends at
NVIDIA, and certainly Mr. Ton Roosendaal for your encouragement.

Ton, the first day I'm able to get up and move, I'm putting on the custom
Blender shirt and wearing it with pride. Thank you thank you thank you.

I still am in disbelief at how many of you (esp. from the Blender crowd)
have been so kind to me. More than for any reason I could think of, Blender
is by far the greatest 3D software on earth, because the community that
makes/uses it is the friendliest and most caring bunch people I've ever had
the pleasure to know.

Ahh! I feel like the luckiest girl on earth! The Good Lord has been so good
to bless me with friends like all of you!

Eekers! It's taken me almost an hour to type this (my digies are still
pretty weak & stiff) and I've gotta go!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!

Some day when I can walk again I shall bake cookies for you all! :) :) :)

God Bless you everyone!
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