
Just to address common questions and draw some outline of what's happening

- Git repositories are considered final and open for push

- For push you need to use SSH protocol (url like

- You should have a RSA key which you upload in developer.b.o's profile. If
cloning/pushing asks for the password -- something is setup wrong. Password
i not used for authentication.

- RSA keys are syncing every 5min from developer.b.o to git.b.o. So be
patient a bit and don't start re-uloading/re-creating keys if you didn't
have access immediately.

- Submodules update command in wiki is actually for pretty recent Git
(1.8.2). For older one instead of `git submodule update --remote` use `git
submodule foreach git pull origin master` I will update wiki tomorrow.

- We would update wiki with description how to set TortoiseGIT/msysgit ASAP
(those is a windows git clients and they deserves two words describing how
to set them up properly).

- We still use SVN for libraries and translations. For now the same
develoeprs have access to this repos as it was before the migration. Soon
we'll make developer.b.o responsible to handle svn access as well.

- We're still doing tweaks to developer.b.o to make it easier to use (also
trying not to go far away so existing docs from phab side are still valid).

Seems feedback is tend to come into this list, which i'm pretty ok with. We
also do have

We also do have "Websites" category in the bug tracker where you might
report issues you've got or report stuff which doesn't work for you.

- Me or Brecht (likely me:) will update build strategy for builder.b.o

- Would ask me/Campbell/Brecht to be online on #blendercoders instead of
working on secret projects to help all the people with git.

- Everyone is welcome to help with the bug tracker! We didn't pay much
attention on it last weeks.

I think this is it for now from my side, happy pushing!

With best regards, Sergey Sharybin
Bf-committers mailing list

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