On 12 Jun 2008, at 9:02 PM, Sergio MORA wrote:

Dear members,

I need to export my bibliographical database into the French style of citations, mainly the ISO 960 style (called also AFNOR Z 44-005). The output is the following (example for a book) :

GUIMELLI Christian. Structures et transformations des représentations sociales. Neuchâtel, Switzerland : Delachaux et Niestlé, 1994, 277 p.

The problem that I have is that I don't know how to uppercase just the last name of the author. In French, last names are in uppercase and there are no commas between last name and first name. I did the following template rule but it outputs the last names first, and then the first name.

< $ authors .lastName [EMAIL PROTECTED]/>< [EMAIL PROTECTED]/>. < $fields.Title/><$fields.Edition?> <$fields.Edition/></ $fields.Edition?>. <$fields.Address?><$fields.Address/> :</ $fields.Address?> <$fields.Publisher/>, <$fields.Year/>.

Is there a template key that can do the thing? I don't want to convert all the last names of my database to uppercase, I would rather prefer to do it directly by the template.

Thank you very much.


Sergio MORA

There's no key for this (doesn't sound too standard to me, and moreover there are too many "standards" in the world). So the only way to do this is to explicitly format the names separately using a collection tag for the authors. Something like this (should be without newlines):

<$authors><$lastName.uppercaseString/> <$firstName/><?$authors>, </ $authors>


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