  Forget everything you’ve been told about creating
  wea.lth on the Internet.  
  You read that right... forget it all, because I’d like to 
  introduce you to the hottest new trend in Internet wea.lth
  cre.ation called…
  “Reverse-Universal-Marketing” (RUM) is making 
  everything else obsolete.  
  What is Reverse-Universal-Marketing?  
  Simple, it’s an easy, much more affordable and less
  time consuming way to build multiple bus.inesses and
  incredible streams of recurring inc.ome month after
  You've heard of…
  => Network Marketing... 
  => Multi-Level-Marketing... 
  => Viral Marketing and… 
  => Affiliate Marketing.  
  If your were to take the best features from each 
  one of those business concepts and put them 
  all together you would come up with…
  Reverse-Universal-Marketing (RUM)
  RUM actually reverses the entire business
  building process as we know it. It has everything 
  you’d expect in a business building system… 
  …except the costs and the risks!
  There are…
  => NO upfront fees to join.
  => NO out-of-pocket expenses.
  => NO letters or ads to write.
  => NO products to sell, inventory or deliver.
  => NO risks involved.
  => NO websites to build.
  => NO seminars of phone conferences to attend.
  This is a complete turnkey (universal) system
  that makes it possible for ANYONE to create
  wealth… no matter their limitations.
  If you’d like to learn more about this exciting new
  breakthrough in wealth creation, click on the link
  below and read the details.
  => http://relurl.com/Qr6
  This is just too good to pass up.  
  In fact... it makes so much sense I can’t believe it 
  has never been until now!  So don’t delay…
  the longer you wait the longer it’ll take you to 
  become financially independent.
  Warm regards,
  P.S.  If you’re not satisfied with your current
  Income and/or your lifestyle… do yourself a 
  HUGE favor and don’t pass up this incredible 
  opportunity. http://relurl.com/Qr6

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

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