Excellent analysis.

I would only add that you can watch the Council meeting discussion of the
amendment here:


The discussion starts at 43:00 and goes to just over 1:00:00

Robbie Webber
State Smart Transportation Initiative
608-263-9984 (office)
608-225-0002 (cell)

On Sat, May 5, 2018, 12:40 AM Darin Burleigh via Bikies <
bikies@lists.danenet.org> wrote:

> Now that I've had a chance to put the pieces together, this is my own
> biased write up. Feel free to correct me.
> Madison Yards is the name of the project to redevelop the lot where
> the soon-to-be-if-not-already-vacant Hill Farms DOT building currently
> sits.  The State is selling off (or has sold  off ) this property to a
> private developer.
> I'm omitting my off-topic rant about the various ways the Walker
> administration is hurting our City and our State.
> The legistar link for the project is here:
> https://madison.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3308392&GUID=DA3192BF-D95A-400E-8F71-24AF6A1C1E06
> The Plan Commission meeting of 4/23 added 2 conditions to the plan,
> including:
> "That the applicant shall work with Traffic Engineering staff to
> ensure that adequate right -of-way is
> dedicated along Segoe Road to incorporate bicycle lanes."
> At the 5/1 Common Council meeting where the project was discussed,
> Ald. Martin proposed an amendment (with Ald. Clear's support) that
> would remove this condition. You can read her arguments in the article
> that And Bach referenced:
> http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/govt-and-politics/madison-city-council-denies-motion-to-reconsider-confederate-monument-decision/article_ae87ae49-4c8f-5d28-8d78-5be49dbbd300.html
> I do not agree with her arguments. Fortunately, this amendment did not
> pass. (this is not mentioned in the article).
> The project was approved. The minutes of the meeting are not posted yet.
> Andy also previously posted Ald. Clear's comments from Facebook:
> "Whether bike lanes on this particular segment of Segoe are a good
> idea is a separate question from the Madison Yards project, and
> deserves its own review. It never came up in the year-plus review of
> the project. Segoe is not being altered by the project. One member of
> the Plan Commission added this condition at (literally) the last
> minute, before anyone had a chance to think it through. "
> To which I reply:
> * No, bike lanes are not a separate question from the project. As
> noted, the condition was added at the Plan commission meeting.
> Any development of this size implicitly impacts traffic in the area.
> Any development of this size that does not explicitly address
> transportation in the area is defective and should be rejected.
> In fact, the Legistar page includes a TDM (Transportation Demand
> Managment Study) that discusses transportation modes in the project
> area. It clearly indicates "proposed bike lanes" on Segoe.
> * If the subject of bikes lanes were never addressed during the
> 'year-plus' review, who's fault is that?
> I was at one public meeting a year ago. Many neighborhood residents
> were concerned about traffic.
> The developers assured us they were working with the city on traffic
> issues. Car traffic, of course.
> But when one of my neighbors asked about bus and bike traffic issues,
> the developers dismissed the issue as being out of scope.
> I haven't heard boo about the project until just now.
> * The plan commission meeting was 8 days before the Common Council
> meeting, not 'literally at the last minute'.
> Also, the Common Council meeting included a memo from Traffic
> Engineering (TE), indicating that bike lanes
> could be added w/o changing the the right-of-way. Also that they had
> worked with the applicant on this.
> If this simple condition was enough to scare away a developer, then
> they can kiss off as far as I'm concerned.
> -darin
> --
> --
> darin burleigh
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