Closure--East Mifflin Street & North Blair Street Test Traffic Diverter On Wednesday, October 4th, City Traffic Engineering crews installed a test traffic diverter at the East Mifflin Street and North Blair Street intersection. A map of the test can be seen here: pdf This PDF will open in a new window.<> Left turns from North Blair Street to East Mifflin Street are restricted. Eastbound traffic on East Mifflin Street must turn right onto North Blair Street. The City of Madison has been working with the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association to improve neighborhood traffic safety, including pedestrian and bicycle conditions along East Mifflin Street. As part of this project, the neighborhood has requested that the City consider a partial closure of East Mifflin Street at North Blair Street. The purpose of the diverter is to reduce the amount of cut-through traffic using East Mifflin Street, while still allowing bikes through. East Mifflin Street is a city-designated "bike boulevard", and a reduction in cut-through traffic will reduce the number of potential conflicts between bikes and motor vehicles. Upon conclusion of the test, the Common Council will decide if the partial closure will be made permanent. Direct any questions to the contact person listed. Contact: Tom Mohr, 608-267-8725,<> Arthur Ross, Pedestrian-Bicycle Coordinator City of Madison Traffic Engineering Division 30 W. Mifflin St., Suite 900 PO Box 2986 Madison, WI 53701-2986 608/266-6225
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