Hi Bob,

You solve DDoS Risk again DNS Architectures with “Architectures.” BIND cannot solve a DDoS problem.

I suggestion is to start with these videos:
 In addition, make sure your DNS deployments are not being abused. Sign up to Shadowserver’s Cyber Civil Defense reports (see ThaiNOG video). You get daily reports that will let you know if you DNS deployment is part of DDoS. 

ThaiNOG 2022 - An Impactful Security BCP

Thailand Network Operations Group was co-located with BKNIX

Google Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mWJxizaEUXG8zG7YbWqsVo6basIjjj0enena4eTMjyo/edit?usp=sharing

PDF Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tV4gYL7wljqyUBq-s1FzHMN4uSRtk98b/view?usp=sharing


On Feb 25, 2023, at 03:26, Bob Harold <rharo...@umich.edu> wrote:

Before answering this question, can you tell me the proper place where I should be asking this question?

"We are researching DDoS protection, including DNS.  What companies or products or methods should I be looking at?"

Bob Harold

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