I think default configuration file is usually created by the package distributor. It depends on how you want to use your named, but for basic iterative server running just on your host, empty file is enough. Defaults work fine enough for default configuration.

If you run "named -c /dev/null", it will serve the data anyway. I think named.conf were not installed, because bind release archive does not contain any suitable file. Just because "touch /usr/local/etc/named.conf" would create you a working one. I have found just named.conf.in under bin/tests/system to configure testing instances, but haven't found anything, which could be installed for you. We use our own templates on Red Hat packages.


On 5/10/23 00:08, Pacific wrote:
Hi, thanks for the reply.

For some reason I thought it did install or drop a base bones named.conf file, however, it should have dropped the named binary into /usr/local  — which it didn’t do. And none of the other “various BIND 9 libraries”.

The bind docs at https://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/latest/chapter10.html#build-bind

in section 10.2 on building show this:

|make install| installs |named| <https://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manpages.html#std-iscman-named> and the various BIND 9 libraries. By default, installation is into /usr/local, but this can be changed with the |--prefix| option when running |configure|.

The option |--sysconfdir| can be specified to set the directory where configuration files such as |named.conf| <https://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manpages.html#std-iscman-named.conf> go by default; |--localstatedir| can be used to set the default parent directory of|run/named.pid|. |--sysconfdir| defaults to |$prefix/etc| and |--localstatedir| defaults to |$prefix/var|.

If I’m missing something please let me know - or if you have any suggestions, like just moving the named binary from my temp dir into /usr/local I’d appreciate. Thanks.

On May 9, 2023, at 5:08 PM, Anand Buddhdev <ana...@ripe.net> wrote:

On 09/05/2023 22:23, Pacific wrote:

Hi Pacific,

Installing bind9 (9.18.14) on macOS Ventura (13.3.1) — install is
not  creating a namedb directory nor can I find a boilerplate named.conf.

As far as remember, the bind install procedure doesn't create a named.conf.


Petr Menšík
Software Engineer, RHEL
Red Hat,https://www.redhat.com/
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