Hi Crist.
Firstly, DNS servers do not make recursive queries, unless they have been
configured to forward.
Secondly, please start a packet capture on your server (save to disc, so
you can analyse it later in Wireshark) then start BIND and make some test
queries to your server. Look at what your server is doing as it starts and
as you make queries to it. It *will* need Internet access and you should
permit this in your firewall - port 53, both UDP and TCP.

As for the question of DNSSEC validation - yes or no? There is more DNSSEC
around these days than there used to be and choosing to NOT do validation
will hurt you in future, or maybe even right now. My advice would be to
enable it, look at packet captures, ask questions and understand it, rather
than disable it because you don't think you need it.

Cheers, Greg.

On Sun, 31 Mar 2024 at 08:07, Crist Clark <cjc+bind-us...@pumpky.net> wrote:

> Thanks so much for the response.
> This machine does not have any reasons to do recursive queries to
> the Internet, and it is not allowed in the firewall.
> Looks like the article quoted is the guidance I was looking for. This
> server has "notify no", AND all of the name servers are in the
> authoritative
> zones anyway. And it has no need to ever do DNSSEC validation. I wonder
> if
> the traffic I was seeing was solely due to trust anchor maintenance. If
> I
> turn off dnssec-validation, will that traffic go away without having to
> become master for root? I'll give that a try.
> None of the other cases in the article apply. All zones are "secondary"
> (except the fake root if I need to keep that). The DNSSEC arguments seem
> kind of circular. You need to allow recursive behavior to support
> and DNSSEC is needed to support recursive behavior.
> Interesting that you bring up the case of non-Internet root. We do have
> networks like that too. The authoritative-only DNS servers there should
> have analogous configuration. We shouldn't need to put that network's
> root in the authoritative-only servers or enable DNSSEC...
> Although this did remind me of one reason to enable dnssec-validation
> for totally non-technical reasons. Compliance. For when the auditors
> come
> around. It's easier to just have dnssec-validation enabled rather than
> deal
> with getting security exceptions or adverse findings. It's
> (unfortunately)
> a _really_ good reason to enable it even if it is technically
> unnecessary.
> On 2024-03-28 01:04, Greg Choules wrote:
> > Hi cjc.
> > My answers would be:
> >
> > - Leave `dnssec-validation` alone (auto) and ensure your server has a
> > path
> > to the Internet to make queries.
> >
> > - Don't mess with root hints. The only time anyone should need to do
> > this
> > is when running a completely captive server living in a custom
> > namespace
> > that is NOT the Internet.
> >
> > - I don't know if "none" and "!all" work out to be the same thing in
> > code
> > terms, but my preference would be "none" anyway because 1) that's
> > what's in
> > the documentation and would be the obvious choice, and 2) why
> > deliberately
> > create a negated expression that is harder to parse, mentally? Glancing
> > through a config and seeing "...!all..." you may not notice the "!" and
> > just see the "all". Even if you do see the pling, a statement
> > containing it
> > reads something like "I would like to permit not all", which requires
> > some
> > thinking about the intent. Whereas "I would like to permit none" (for
> > me
> > anyway) is clearer and less ambiguous.
> >
> > As for why authoritative servers need to make queries at all, please
> > take a
> > look at this article.
> >
> https://kb.isc.org/docs/why-does-my-authoritative-server-make-recursive-queries
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> > Greg
> >
> > On Thu, 28 Mar 2024 at 06:15, Crist Clark <cjc+bind-us...@pumpky.net>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I am upgrading and redeploying some authoritative-only BIND servers.
> >> Two
> >> questions about some fine points:
> >>
> >> What to set 'dnssec-validation'? Just let it default to 'auto?' There
> >> is
> >> no need or opportunity for an authoritative-only server to validate
> >> (right?). Should we actively switch it off, set it to 'no?' For
> >> example,
> >> does setting it to 'no' reduce any resource use or reduce the security
> >> vulnerability space?
> >>
> >> This is bordering on aesthetic (maybe the first one is too), but what
> >> to
> >> do about the compiled-in root hints? Even on my authoritative-only
> >> server
> >> with "recursion no," every forty-five minutes or so, it's trying to go
> >> to
> >> the root servers and retrieve the NS and DNSKEY RRs for the root. It's
> >> blocked since there is no reason for this server to do outbound DNS,
> >> except
> >> to its hidden masters, so it just keeps trying and cluttering the
> >> firewall
> >> logs. What's the best way to stop this behavior? Is there a
> >> configuration
> >> option? I did this,
> >>
> >> zone "." {
> >>     type primary;
> >>     file "primary/empty-zone.db";
> >>     allow-query { none; };
> >> };
> >>
> >> Which seems to do the trick, but is that the cleanest way? Any
> >> problems
> >> with that approach that I haven't considered?
> >>
> >> Oh, one final bonus question, is there any difference between
> >> specifying
> >> 'none' and '!all' in a server list, ACL, etc.? I prefer 'none', but
> >> the old
> >> configurations used '!all'. Can I change those without worrying?
> >> --
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> >> from this list
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> >> subscriptions. Contact us at https://www.isc.org/contact/ for more
> >> information.
> >>
> >>
> >> bind-users mailing list
> >> bind-users@lists.isc.org
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