Dear all,

I am writing this question fearfully since it concerns mDNS and bind.
I have read most of the messages in the archives concerning these two... and 
yes, I know that bind and mDNS are not the same thing and do not intend to 
provide the same service. But still... ok. let's get fried !

I would like to know if it would be possible to populate a DNS zone with mDNS.

The question may become clearer with this simple example:
Let's assume that I am a residential and I have a DNS server in charge of my 
domain As a residential, this server is hosted on my home 
gateway. And still because I am a residential, I don't know a lot about bind 
and its configuration, so I would love my zone to be automatically populated 
with the hostnames of my terminals in my LAN.

The mdns daemon on the home gateway "discovers" that host groovy is at 2002::10 
and touchy at 2002::11 (IPv6). Could my zone be filled up automatically with 
two new records:    IN SOA (
                1142330531 ; serial
                10800      ; refresh (3 hours)
                3600       ; retry (1 hour)
                604800     ; expire (1 week)
                1800       ; minimum (30 minutes)
$TTL 1800    ; 30 minutes
            AAAA    2002::53

# here are the records from mDNS
#     IN      AAAA    2002::10     IN      AAAA  2002::11

Alternatively, could mDNS send DNS updates to bind9 instead ?

Alternatively again, if the DNS server receives a AAAA (or A) query for, could a mDNS broadcast be sent in the LAN and in 
case of a positive reply, the DNS server would respond accordingly 
( IN AAAA 2002::12 - assuming it exists).

My questions may sound out of scope and stupid. If so, again , sorry. I would 
nevertheless appreciate to clearly understand why.

Many thanks.
Congrads for the wonderfull work you do. Bind is great !
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