We have 2008 M$ dns servers (running M$ DNS ) and bind servers on Linux
We are looking to tweak the M$ servers down to the same "level" as
the bind servers.. if possible..

the bind logging statement
     category lame-servers   { null; };
     category resolver { null; };
     category queries        { log_requests; };

channel log_requests
        file "/var/log/named/queries.log" versions 10 size 100m;
                print-time yes;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;

So far, we have found the Microsoft KB198408 that says:

"The DNS server can generate a more detailed log than is practical to include in the Windows NT event log. This includes everything from simply including events excluded from the event log, to a summary of every packet in and out of the server."

It looks like there is a registry tweak needed..

Value:      LogLevel
   Added:    SP4 (April 98)
   Type:     DWORD (Bitfield)
   Default:  NoKey (Zero -- No logging)

   Function: Determines level of logging to file (Dns.log).
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_ALL_PACKETS      0x0000ffff
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_NON_QUERY        0x000000fe
    #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_QUERY            0x00000001
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_NOTIFY           0x00000010
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_UPDATE           0x00000020
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_QUESTIONS        0x00000100
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_ANSWERS          0x00000200
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_SEND             0x00001000
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_RECV             0x00002000
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_UDP              0x00004000
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_TCP              0x00008000
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_DS_WRITE         0x00010000
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_DS_UPDATE        0x00020000
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_FULL_PACKETS     0x01000000
   #define DNS_LOG_LEVEL_WRITE_THROUGH    0x80000000

We will continue to search but hoped there might be some help on the list..

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