
I am conducting some research measurements on QNAME Minimization
implementations of popular open-source resolvers in light of RFC 9156, having
replaced RFC 7816.  While running some tests I noticed that Bind in the past
has been using the NS RR and minimized queries to the sixth label before
sending the FQDN. Today this implementation has been replaced and Bind is using
the A RR and minimize to the seventh label.  Observing incoming queries at a
SLD authoritative name server, we see that Bind starts its minimization process
by sending a query with four labels instead of the expected three. I am very
curious about this oddity. What causes this? Is it by design?

Appreciate any insight into Bind's QNAME Minimization implementation!

Best regards

Jonathan Magnusson

PhD Student - Computer Science

Karlstad University, Sweden

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