
does the following setup violate any DNS RFCs or is it in the conflict with any best practices?

[and...@strigidae ~]$ dig +nocmd +nocom +noque +nosta domain1.tld1. ns
domain1.tld1.           86400   IN      NS      ns1.domain1.tld1.
domain1.tld1.           86400   IN      NS      ns2.domain1.tld1.
domain1.tld1.           86400   IN      NS      ns1.domain2.tld2.
domain1.tld1.           86400   IN      NS      ns2.domain2.tld2.
domain1.tld1.           86400   IN      NS      ns1.domain3.tld3.
domain1.tld1.           86400   IN      NS      ns2.domain3.tld3.
ns1.domain1.tld1.       86400   IN      A       IP.Add.ress.1
ns2.domain1.tld1.       86400   IN      A       IP.Add.ress.2
ns1.domain2.tld2.       86400   IN      A       IP.Add.ress.3
ns2.domain2.tld2.       86400   IN      A       IP.Add.ress.4
ns1.domain3.tld3.       86400   IN      A       IP.Add.ress.2
ns2.domain3.tld3.       86400   IN      A       IP.Add.ress.3

As we can see above, the ns2.domain1.tld1 / ns1.domain3.tld3 are actually the same physical host with the IP.Add.ress.2 and the ns1.domain2.tld2 / ns2.domain3.tld3 are actually the same machine with the IP.Add.ress.3.

What are the benefits of this setup?

Thanks in advance.


Yours sincerely,

Andrey G. Sergeev (AKA Andris)
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