Hi Etienne, 

On Di, 2016-08-09 at 14:26 +0100, Laurent Gatto wrote:
> [...]
> As a result, if a users want to use recent packages (as in newly added
> to Bioc or new versions/features), they will have to install a recent R.

Hackers would download the *.tar.gz source package 
from https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/biosigner.html
and R CMD INSTALL /tmp/biosigner_1.0.8.tar.gz (and make sure manually 
that the dependencies are available). 

Of course, that is tedious, requires an R build environment 
(which is not trivial on windows) and the version combinations 
are of course NOT TESTED. So not recommended. That's why we have biocLite().


IPB Halle                    AG Massenspektrometrie & Bioinformatik
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