Few weeks ago I have a great pleasure of attending BioC 2016: Where
Software and Biology Connect
<http://bioconductor.org/help/course-materials/2016/BioC2016/> Conference
at Stanford, where I have learned a lot! It wouldn’t be possible without
the scholarship that I received from Bioconductor (organizers), which I
deeply appreciate. It was an excellent place for software developers,
statisticians and biologists to exchange their experiences and to better
explain their work, as the understanding between collaborators in
interdisciplinary teams is essential. In this post I present my thoughts
and feelings about the event and I share the knowledge that I have learned
during the event, i.e. about many ways of downloading The Cancer Genome
Atlas <http://cancergenome.nih.gov/> data.

READ MORE <http://r-addict.com/2016/07/22/BioC2016-RTCGA.html>

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