Dear list,

We are planning to modify the SingleCellExperiment class to better accommodate alternative feature sets from CITE-seq and Perturb-seq experiments. A new "altExps" concept has been added to store experimental data for alternative feature sets as nested SummarizedExperiment instances within a SingleCellExperiment. This aims to provide a flexible and lightweight approach to storing multiple Experiments without requiring major changes to user workflows when only the main feature set (i.e., endogenous genes) is of interest.

The "altExps" concept can also be extended to storage of spike-in transcripts. In fact, it is more convenient than the current "isSpike" approach, as the latter requires subsetting to remove the spike-ins prior to performing gene-only operations on the expression matrix (e.g., clustering). For this reason, we are planning to deprecate the "isSpike" functionality for marking rows as spike-ins. This will be replaced with the more general "SingleCellExperiment::splitSCEByAlt" function, which splits a SCE into a main SCE and nested alternative SCEs for minority features like spike-in transcripts, antibody or CRISPR tags, etc.

These proposed changes are expected to have the following effects on packages downstream of SingleCellExperiment:

- No change is required for packages that do not use spike-in information or multiple size factor settings. - Packages using spike-in transcripts via "isSpike" should switch to "altExps" to retrieve spike-in data, with experiment-specific size factors to perform spike-in-specific normalization. - Packages using other features (e.g., antibody tags) should consider using "altExps" to retrieve/store this data.

More technical details can be found in the discussion at, which also contains a testable implementation of the proposed change. Comments and other feedback on the proposed plan should be directed there.


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