It's hard to tell from the stack trace, but is this reproducible in a new R
(devel) session with
? And did you actually install new packages in R-devel, or only re-use packages
installed in an earlier version of R? If the latter, then definitely you'll
want to re-i
A preliminary insight is that it looks like you're using R-devel (aka R-4.0),
whereas at the moment (until the next Bioconductor release in a couple of
weeks...) the 'supported' devel version of Bioconductor uses R-3.6.*.
On 10/17/19, 10:10 AM, "Bioc-devel on behalf of Zhu, Jack (NIH/NC
Dear all,
I have encountered a very frustrating 'memory not mapped' problem when
compiling ensembldb package:
>BiocManager::install("ensembldb", ask = FALSE)
Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.8), R Under development (unstable)
(2019-10-15 r77295)
Installing package(s) 'ensembldb'