
I would like to transform a directed graph with cycles, e.g. a gene
regulatory network, into a DAG. In particular, I would like to do that by
removing a minimal set of edges.

This problem is known to be NP-hard


but, apparently, several approximation algorithms for the problem have
been developed.

However, when screening e.g. through the manuals of the graph, igraph, and
ggm packages, I do not find functionality for that.

I wonder, whether developers on the mailing list, dealing with graphs and
networks, can point me to an R implementation of the desired

Thx & Best,

Dipl.-Bioinf. Ludwig Geistlinger

Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Bioinformatik
Institut für Informatik
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Amalienstrasse 17, 2. Stock, Büro A201
80333 München

Tel.: 089-2180-4067
eMail: ludwig.geistlin...@bio.ifi.lmu.de

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