[Ontbirds]Ottawa - American Golden Plover

2005-08-27 Thread David Britton
This morning, August 27th, I birded Shirley's Bay on the Ottawa River. Water levels have crept back up and shorebird numbers and diversity inside the dyke are lower than they have been in the last few weeks. The highlight was a moulting adult American Golden Plover on the mudflats near the ba

[Ontbirds]Red-necked Phalaropes at Blenheim

2005-08-27 Thread Blake A. Mann
Blenheim Sewage Lagoons Update (Sat. p.m.): Today there were two RED-NECKED PHALAROPES together in pond 5. The WILSON'S PHALAROPE was still present also, as was the BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER. A Baird's Sandpiper was present, as well as several newly-arrived Stilt Sandpipers. Pond 5 is at the b

[Ontbirds]Ottawa: Great Egret, Red Knot, Lesser Black-backed Gull

2005-08-27 Thread Bruce Di Labio
Hi Everyone The birding along the Ottawa River was very good today. With the lower water levels there were 2 juv. Red Knot along the shoreline just east of Andrew Haydon Park and an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull off Britannia Pier. At Shirley's Bay, a record high of 6 Great Egrets were pres

[Ontbirds]egrets at Rouge Park

2005-08-27 Thread arlene brazeau
I ventured down to Rouge Park this morning around 9 am hoping to see the great egret posted yesterday and was immediately rewarded with 4 egrets feeding on the north side of the pond. Hoping to get at least 1 very far away picture, I again was rewarded with 1 egret who flew directly at me then