Boreal Species

Spruce Grouse: one was photographed at Spruce Bog Boardwalk on Jan 19 and 24, 
the latter near the start of the trail.

Black-backed Woodpecker: a female was along Opeongo Road on Jan 23.

Canada Jay: reported at Bat Lake Trail, Spruce Bog Boardwalk, Opeongo Road and 
Logging Museum Trail.

Boreal Chickadee: no reports again.


Winter Finches

Evening Grosbeak: up to 25 seen daily at the Visitor Centre feeders, mostly in 
the morning.

Purple Finch: good numbers along Highway 60 and up to 50 at the Visitor Centre 
feeders (mostly brown-plumaged females/first year males). 

Red Crossbill: widespread in low numbers. Seen regularly at various locations 
along the highway, and at the Visitor Centre where recordings of three on Jan 
22 were classified as Type 10 by Matt Young (Cornell).

White-winged Crossbill: widespread in low numbers, with several in song and 
likely breeding. Reported this week at Bat Lake Trail, Old Airfield, Opeongo 
Road, Spruce Bog Boardwalk, Trailer Sanitation Station, Cache Lake and the 
Visitor Centre, where 12 were present on Jan 23 and photographed at close range 
from the Viewing Deck.

Pine Siskin: widespread in small numbers but some larger flocks. Regular at the 
Visitor Centre, with 35 on Jan 19.

American Goldfinch: widespread in low numbers along Highway 60, and at the 
Visitor Centre.


Additional birds at the Visitor Centre feeders included: Wild Turkey (7), 
American Tree Sparrow (6), Dark-eyed Junco (4) and Red-winged Blackbird (first 
year male present since Jan 8; about fourth Algonquin Park winter record). 


DIRECTIONS: Algonquin Provincial Park is three hours north of Toronto, via 
Highways 400, 11 and 60. Follow the signs which start in Toronto on Highway 
400. From Ottawa, take Highway 17 to Renfrew, then follow Highway 60 to the 
Park. Kilometre markers along Highway 60 in the Park go from the West Gate (km 
0) to near the East Gate (km 56). The Visitor Centre exhibits, bookstore and 
restaurant at km 43 are open on weekends from 9 am to 5 pm. The Visitor Centre 
is also open with limited services on weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm. Get your park 
permit and Information Guide (with a map showing birding locations mentioned 
above) at the East Gate, West Gate or Visitor Centre. Locations are also 
described at:

Ron Tozer, Algonquin Park Naturalist (retired), Dwight, ON


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