[Ontbirds] Tundra Swans in Waterloo

2010-03-20 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Several hundred Tundra Swans have been present all day at Laurel Creek Conservation Area. In addition to the swans there is a nice aggregation of other waterfowl. The predominant species is Ring-necked Duck; also there are Lesser Scaup, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye, American Wigeon, Gadwall, Com

[Ontbirds] No Varied Thrush today

2011-01-03 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
After about an hour of waiting today we gave up on the Varied Thrush, assuming perhaps that it has moved on. Certainly Elmer and Bev Ewert have been stellar hosts to the birding community and we are grateful to have seen this bird twice in December. Birders are still welcome to park in their dri

[Ontbirds] Lapland Longspur near Metz

2011-01-09 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Yesterday Miriam and I decided to go for a drive through the backroads to look for the numerous Rough-legged Hawks that populate this area in the winter. It was a bright, sunny day and we were rewarded with some great looks. We wandered farther and farther afield and finally wound up in Metz whe

[Ontbirds] Lapland Longspur Near Metz, Post No. 2

2011-01-09 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
As a sequel to my earlier post for this bird, we picked up my brother-in-law, John Lichty, this morning to take him to see the bird which represents a lifer for him. When we arrived the individual banding the buntings had cages over the mounds of corn to lure the birds into the enclosure, from w

[Ontbirds] Common Redpolls in Kleinburg

2011-01-12 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Today I observed a flock of thirty to forty Common Repolls at William T. Foster Woods in Kleinburg. These woods are located at the northeast corner of Islington Avenue and Major Mackenzie Drive. David Gascoigne Waterloo, ON www.travelswithbirds.blogspot.com ___

[Ontbirds] Northen Flicker

2011-03-13 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
We just returned from a very successful day of delightful early spring birding in the Long Point area. Most of the species we saw have been well documented in previous reports, but a recent significant arrival was a Northern Flicker seen at Bird Studies Canada. David Gascoigne Waterloo, ON www

[Ontbirds] Sandhill Cranes near Glen Morris

2011-09-05 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
This morning we observed two familes of Sandhill Cranes near Glen Morris. One family comprised two adults and two young, the other family consisted of two adults and one young. They were feeding in a ploughed field. Directions: From Glen Morris cross the Grand River Bridge (near the gas station

[Ontbirds] West Perth Wetlands, Mitchell

2011-09-18 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
There was a decent assortment of shorebirds this morning including American Golden Plover, Black-bellied (Grey) Plover, Semipalmated Plover, Killdeer, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Solitary Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Wilson's Snipe; Barn and Tree Swallows still remai

[Ontbirds] Horned Grebe at Laurel Creek C.A. Waterloo

2011-10-15 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Today there were at least three and possibly more Horned Grebes at Laurel Creek Conservation area. They were easily visible from the concrete culvert on Beaver Creek Road, along with a dozen or more Pied-billed Grebes. While this species is certainly not a rarity it is the first time I have ever

[Ontbirds] American Coots and Ruddy Ducks in Waterloo

2011-10-23 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
At Laurel Creek C.A. today there were good numbers of both American Coot and Ruddy Duck among the many grebes, gulls, cormorants and other waterfowl. We also saw several little groups of Golden-crowned Kinglets and many other passerines, making for a very enjoyable morning of birding. Direction

[Ontbirds] No Cackling Geese/Brant/Greater White-fronted Goose at LaSalle Park

2012-01-22 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
We spent about an hour and a half this morning at LaSalle Park. Alas, none of the above three species were sighted by us or any other birders we spoke to. It was a distinct pleasure on arrival to have eleven Tundra Swans fly in and wheel around to land on the water - a magnificent spectacle. It

[Ontbirds]Piping Plovers

2007-07-15 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
r himself, and posed interesting and intelligent questions. I think he now understands somewhat why tiny little birds like this can cause such a fuss! Who knows we may have stimulated a fledgling birder! David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Jul 15 18:14:46 2007 Return-Pat

[Ontbirds]Mitchell Sewage Lagoons

2007-07-22 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Today we birded Mitchell Sewage Lagoons. It may be a contradiction say that a sewage lagoon is pleasant, but indeed Mitchell is. At the same time it appears to be underbirded and whenever we have been there we have seen relatively few other birders. Toady we arrived a little after 08.00h and wer

[Ontbirds]LaSalle Park Marian

2007-08-05 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
their children at one level or another to the delights of nature to be found along the lakeshore path. La Salle Park Marina may be accessed by travelling along North Shore Boulevard until you reach the signs which direct you down to the Marina. David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman

[Ontbirds] Dickcissels at West Perth Community Wetlands (Formerly Mitchell Sewage Lagoons) Mitchell, ON

2007-08-19 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Red-necked Phalarope - 2 Bobolink - 100+ American Goldfinch - 50+ Spotted Sandpiper - 2 Northern Shoveler - 2 American Crow - 2 House Finch - 10+ DICKCISSEL- 3 Ring-billed Gull - 3 House Sparrow 2 Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1 Mallard - abundant Canada Gose - 8 European Starling - Common David Gascoigne

[Ontbirds]West Perth Community Wetlands, Mitchell, ON

2007-08-26 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Goose - 50 Red-necked Phalarope - 1 Northern Shoveler - 1 Greater Yellowlegs - 1 Turkey Vulture - 1 House Sparrow - 2 Others reported seeing a Baird's Sandpiper. We searched dilgently since this species would have been a lifer for Miriam, but we were unable to locate it. David Gascoigne and M

[Ontbirds]West Perth Community Wetlands, Mitchell, ON

2007-09-02 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
local economy. Since there is apparently some opposition to the creation of the wetland, a noticeable presence of birders spending a few dollars in town cannot help but ameliorate the situation. David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman Waterloo, ON Directions: Take Highway 8 from Stratford directly to

[Ontbirds]West Perth Community Wetlands - Mitchell

2007-09-16 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Sandpiper - 1 David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman Waterloo, ON Directions: Take Highway 8 from Stratford directly to Mitchell. You will pass a sign that proclaims that Howie Morenz was born in Mitchell and then to another sign announcing the town of Mitchell. You will shortly thereafter pass a Tim

[Ontbirds]West Perth Community Wetlands, Mitchell, ON

2007-10-08 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
- 4 House Finch - 2 In addition, the largest Snapping Turtle we have ever seen was lumbering across the ploughed field adjacent to the ponds. It made the Horned Larks and Killdeer look like midgets! David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman Waterloo, ON

[Ontbirds]West Perth Community Wetlands, Mitchell, ON

2007-10-08 Thread David Gascoigne and Miriam Bauman
Oops, we forgot to give directions: Directions: Take Highway 8 from Stratford directly to Mitchell. You will pass a sign that proclaims that Howie Morenz was born in Mitchell and then to another sign announcing the town of Mitchell. You will shortly thereafter pass a Tim Horton's; continue on t