My father Mike and I observed the Black-necked Stilts reported at Townsend Sewage Lagoons at about 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon. The birds were present in the first cell visible on the path up from the gate, and loitered in the area for about 20 minutes affording good views. After that, they both took flight and circled the area several times before disappearing to the southeast. During the time we observed them, the pair were seen to copulate once. This raises the interesting possibility that they may be more than just errant migrants.

The Eared Grebe, Wilson's Phalarope, Black-bellied Plover and Dunlin previously reported were all seen in the near cell as well.

Directions (thanks to Tom Thomas):
The Townsend sewage lagoons can be found by following the sign for
Townsend, which is on #6 highway south of Hagersville, turn left on Keith
Richardson Parkway, and continue to the second turning on the right, which
is County Rd.14. The Lagoons are just up the road on your right, park well
away from the gate, as trucks will be turning in. Remember there are no
trespassing signs posted, so be aware of this.

Chris Kimber
Toronto, ON

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