It being an incredibly beautiful day for 2 November, we braved the 427 traffic down to Humber Bay East, where we were greeted by a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD near the parking lot, and at last 30 BUFFLEHEAD in the bay just NOrth of the lot. Visible in the distance were a couple of GREBES (apparently Red-necked, but too brief glimpses to be certain), and one closer HORNED GREBE.. In the mostly enclosed bay there were 2 AMERICAN WIDGEONS, 1 AMERICAN COOT, and 1 NORTHERN SHOVELER. There were many hundreds of LONG-TAILED DUCKS scattered around, including one with unusually bright buffy chest colouring. There were at least 5 HOODED MERGANSERS. A mixed flock of passerines included 1 BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER, 1 GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET, and 2-3 YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS. We saw a couple of RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS, and a group of 5 COMMON MERGANSERS, and had brief glimpses of what appeared to be a COMMON LOON, unfortunately starting far away and moving further as it dove and resurfaced. In the mudflats on the South side of the park there were at least 16 KILDEER, and 5 GREEN- WINGED TEAL. Heading back North to the parking lot, there were at least 2 AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS, moving through the shrubbery along the shoreline.

Gene and Charlene Denzel
9 Idleswift Drive
Thornhill, ON L4J 1K8

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