Hello Ontbirds people,

Received a message (plus some nice photos) from Vivien Rolland-Commarmot re:
the Townsend's Soitaire in Rothwell Heights. This is from last weekend
(apologies for the delay - Vivien sent this on 23 March).  No specific
location was given, but the bird is still in the Rothwell Heights
neighbourhood, feeding on Common Buckthorn berries.  If you go, look for the

Also, yesterday (24 March), Wilson Hum reported and photographed the adult
dark morph Red-tailed Hawk at the Gatineau Airport (Quebec side of the
river).  This bird has been present at this location all winter.


(Rothwell Heights):

 From west of Ottawa, take Hwy 417 east to the 417/174 split, proceed on 174
and exit at Blair Rd. From the east, take 174 to the Blair exit as well. Go
north on Blair, then right (east) on Ogilvie Rd. Cross Montreal Rd. and
continue left (north) on Ogilvie, then take the 1st left (west) onto Naskapi
Dr.  Follow Naskapi which becomes Rothwell Dr. as you head northwest.

(Gatineau Airport):

>From downtown Ottawa, take the Chaudiere Bridge over to Quebec, then Rue
Montcalm north to Hwy # 50.  Follow the #50 north and west.  Take exit #154
to the Gatineau Executive Airport (the airport is visible from the highway).
The hawk has been seen in the open fields at or near the airport grounds.

Thanks to Vivien and Wilson for their info about these two excellent local

Happy Easter & Good Birding!
Chris Lewis

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