Rondeau Daily Report May19/04

Another quiet day, at least people-wise, but still a selection of migrant 
warblers going through - Blackburnian, Black-throated Green, Magnolia, 
Tennessee, Blue-winged, Blackpoll, Cape May, Bay-breasted, Canada, Wilson, 
Black&White, Chestnut-sided, Northern Waterthrush - most along South Pt. Trail 
or the maintenance building area.  Yellow-rumped, Nashville, and Palm have not 
been sighted for 3+ days and must all be gone.  I was going to say the same for 
the Blue-headed Vireo but someone saw one today.

Woodcock are still displaying around the visitor centre at dusk and Whip-poor-
Will can be heard at various locations.  The Chuck-will's Widow was not heard 
again last evening.

Along the South Beach last night only one lonely Ruddy Turnstone was located 
and two Black-crowned Night-Herons from the Erieau Harbour flew over to the 

The Friends of Rondeau are sponsoring two guided hikes daily until May 23rd.  
For more information on events and details on migration check out their 

David Bree
Friends of Rondeau Birder in Residence

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Thanks are extended to hike leader Judith King who took 12 members of the
Bruce Birding Club to look primarily for migrant warblers in the Southern
Bruce County area.  Judith rounded up approximately 20 species of warblers.
Also 4 kinds of vireos were seen including Philadelphia and Yellow-throated=
Judith will be leading a similar hike as part of the Huron Birding Festival
next weekend. =20

The 7th Annual HURON FRINGE BIRDING  FESTIVAL,  runs from May 28 to June 6
at MacGregor Point Provincial Park this year.  For detailed information on
the Huron Fringe Birding Festival and how to pre-register, please check the
Friend=B9s of MacGregor  Web Site at

Bird list is courtesy of Wendy Grava.

Itinerary: am #1 Kincardine Sewage Lagoons (enter along Saratoga Rd off Hwy
21 south of Kincardine),  #2 Inverhuron Pt PP West of hwy 21 and North of
Tiverton), back along the Huron shore to Conc 6, then #3 Sideroad J1 to
Bruce-Saugeen Townline, then east to Hwy 21 and home.
- Double-crested Cormorant  #2
- Canada Goose  #1 (with goslings)
- Wood Duck  #1
- Mallard  #1
- Northern Shoveler  #1
- Blue-winged Teal  #1, #3
- Greater Scaup  #1
- Lesser Scaup  #1
- Bufflehead  #1
- Common Merganser  #2
- Red-breasted Merganser  #2
- Ruddy Duck  #1
- Turkey Vulture  #1
- Northern Harrier  #3
- Sharp-shinned Hawk  (between #2 and #3)
- Cooper's Hawk  #2
- Red-tailed Hawk  #2, #3
- Killdeer  #3
- Spotted Sandpiper  #1
- Ring-billed Gull  enroute to #1
- Herring Gull  #1
- Mourning Dove   enroute to #1
- Rock Pigeon  (Southampton)
- Belted Kingfisher  #1
- Downy Woodpecker  #1
- Northern Flicker  #1
- Eastern Wood-Pewee  #1
- Yellow-bellied Flycatcher   #1
- Eastern Phoebe  #1
- Great Crested Flycatcher  #1
- Eastern Kingbird  #1
- Red-eyed Vireo  #1
- Warbling Vireo  #1
- Philadelphia Vireo  #1
- Yellow-throated Vireo  #1
- Blue Jay  #1
- American Crow=20
- Horned Lark   #3
- N Rough-winged Swallow   #1
- Bank Swallow  #1
- Tree Swallow  #1
- Cliff Swallow  #3
- Barn Swallow  #1
- Black-capped Chickadee   #1
- Brown Creeper  #1
- House Wren  #2 (s/o)
- Eastern Bluebird  #3
- American Robin  #1
- Veery  #1 (s/o)
- Wood Thrush  #1 (s/o)
- Swainson's Thrush  #1
- Gray-cheeked Thrush  #1
- Gray Catbird  #1
- Brown Thrasher  #1, #2
- European Starling  enroute to #1
- Cedar Waxwing  #1
- Nashville Warbler  #1
- Yellow Warbler  #1
- Chestnut-sided Warbler   #1
- Magnolia Warbler  #1
- Cape May Warbler  #1
- Black-throated Blue  #1
- Blackburnian Warbler  #1
-Yellow-rumped Warbler  #1
- Black-throated Green  #1
- Pine Warbler  #2
- Palm Warbler  #1
- Bay-breasted Warbler  #1
- Blackpoll Warbler  #1
- Black-and-white Warbler  #1
- American Redstart  #1
- Ovenbird  #1 (s/o)
- Northern Waterthrush  #1 (s/o)
- Common Yellowthroat  #1
- Wilson's Warbler  #1
- Canada Warbler  #1
- Scarlet Tanager  #1
- Northern Cardinal  #1
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak  #1
- Indigo Bunting  #1
- Eastern Towhee  #2
- Chipping Sparrow  #2
- Savannah Sparrow  #3
- White-crowned Sparrow  (Bruce-Saugeen Townline)
- Song Sparrow  #1
- Eastern Meadowlark  #3
- Bobolink  #3
- Brown-headed Cowbird  #1
- Red-winged Blackbird  #1
- Common Grackle  #1
- Baltimore Oriole  #1, #3
- American Goldfinch  #1
- House Sparrow  (Southampton)
Total 93 species

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