
The Arboretum at Humber College continues to be a good place to see Fall

A quick visit this afternoon turned up:

A mixed flock of Sparrows: White crowned, White-throated, Song, Swamp, and
Junco. There was also a nice looking Field Sparrow.

There were House and Purple Finches with some Juvenile Gold Finches.

A House Wren was sklylarking with the Phoebes.

Some warblers: Palm and Yellow-rumped.

A Least Flycatcher and some friendly Phoebes.

There was a surprise Blue-headed Vireo by the feeders.

The resident Mockingbird made an appearance. Along with a Cooper's and
Broad-winged Hawks.

If the sun is out at sunset the light in the valley is great!



Humber College is east of the 417 and Finch at 205 Humber College Blvd. Go
to the parking kiosk to get a pass and park at the back. The feeders are
behind the main building as is a path to the valley.

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