    For those who have been inquiring about Carolina Wrens in Thickson's
Woods, Margaret saw one in our back yard at the south end of the woods two
days ago, and one was vocal for a few days about a month ago.  Whether these
are moving through, or are planning to stay around is still to be
determined.  I will post an update closer to the December 1st. start of
winter list season.
    A yellow-bellied sapsucker seemed to have taken up residence, but it
hasn't been heard for the past few days.  Two male Eastern Towhees spent a
week in our yard, as did several Fox Sparrows.  The Towhees seem to have
moved on, but at least two Fox Sparrows were still here yesterday.
    The first Barred Owl in several years visited briefly in late October,
and some of the small evergreens in the meadow are getting large enough to
provide cover for Saw-whets.   November is ususally the time when
Short-eared and Long-eared Owls show up.  The brushy edge along the
northeast side of the meadow, and the area west of Thickson Road just west
of the woods are prime spots to watch for these two species over the next
few weeks.   However, the Great Horned owl pair are becoming quite vocal,
and are likely to make life difficult for any smaller owls seeking to spend
time in the area.
    Many OFO members have asked to be informed if properties come up for
sale in Thickson's Woods.  Recently two houses have been listed, one on the
road along the lakefront on the south edge of the woods, and the other on
Thickson Road at the west end of the woods.  Both have realty signs in front
with the pertinent contact information.  It would be great to have more
birders living in the neighbourhood.

    To reach Thickson's Woods exit from 401 to Thickson Road South in
Whitby.  Proceed south past Wentworth Street to the Waterfront Trail.  Turn
left, turn around and park on the north side of the road.  Enter the woods
on a path from
the south side, about 200 metres east of Thickson Road.  Follow the trails
through the woods, some of which access the Lake Ontario shore.  To view the
beaver pond and Corbett Creek Marsh continue east about 100 metres past the
entrance to the woods.  The meadow is across the Waterfront Trail
immediately north of the woods. The entrance is directly across the
waterfront trail from the entrance to the woods.  To view a map,
visit the Thickson's Woods website at http://www.thicksonswoods.com

Dennis Barry & Margaret Carney
Thickson's Point, 338 Crystal Beach Blvd.
Whitby, ON L1N 9Z7
(905) 725-2116


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