Had to be down in the general neighbourhood anyhow, so we took a chance and headed to Hall's Road to see if we could find some cross- bills. (What the heck, it was a great afternoon for a hike, with serious cold coming in tonight.) In spite of a pretty thorough trek through the various tamarack woods there, we had no luck on that front. However, we did get 3 RW Blackbirds, 2 Red-Tailed Hawks, 1 Rough-legged Hawk, 1 Northern Shrike (first winter), 1 Northern Harrier, and on the way back at Salem Road 1 Cooper's Hawk. The light was particularly nice on the soaring Red-tails and Rough-legged. All over the snow on the North trail and in the surrounding woods were fresh tracks of Wild Turkeys, but we did not see any.
Directions: see recent posts .

Gene and Charlene Denzel
9 Idleswift Drive
Thornhill, ON L4J 1K8

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