The 39th Algonquin Park CBC was held on Saturday, December 29.
Conditions for observing were excellent: minus 18 to minus 10 degrees C.,
light cloud and calm all day, and snow depths from 10 to 38 cm. Not needing
snowshoes to get around made it easier for participants to cover more areas.

The count was noteworthy for its woodpecker numbers (because they could be
heard due to no wind) and rare owls. A poor cone crop limited finch numbers,
as expected. Total individual birds on the count were only about half the

Total Observers: 79
Total Species: 30 (average is 28; highest ever is 34)
Total Individuals: 2,263 (average is 4,785)
Birds per Party Hour: 10
New Species for the Count: none

Noteworthy Species or Numbers:

-Wild Turkey: 2 (Lake of Two Rivers)
-Ruffed Grouse: 19 (low)
-Red-tailed Hawk: 1
-NORTHERN HAWK OWL: 1 (east side of Opeongo Road, north of the bridge)
Locations were: Eucalia Lake (km 39); Highway 60 at Opeongo Turn (km 46.3);
Opeongo Road north of the bridge; and Highway 60 at the East Boundary.
-Hairy Woodpecker: 107 (NEW HIGH FOR COUNT)
-Black-backed Woodpecker: 16
-Pileated Woodpecker: 25


-Pine Grosbeak: 172
-Red Crossbill: 41
-White-winged Crossbill: 70
-Common Redpoll: 61
-Pine Siskin: 1
-American Goldfinch: 24
-Evening Grosbeak: 6

Notable Missed Species:

-Spruce Grouse
-Rock Pigeon (population in MTO sand dome at the East Gate since 1998
disappeared in 2012, returning the Algonquin CBC to its unique status among
southern Ontario counts with no Rock Pigeon, European Starling or House

Complete count results are posted at:

Ron Tozer
Algonquin Park CBC Compiler
Dwight, ON

Algonquin Park is three hours north of Toronto, via Highways 400,
11 and 60. Follow the signs which start in Toronto on Highway 400.
>From Ottawa, take Highway 17 to Renfrew, then follow Highway 60
to the park. 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to
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